Breaking Hearts (B-Boy #2)

Breaking Hearts (B-Boy #2) by S. Briones Lim Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Breaking Hearts (B-Boy #2) by S. Briones Lim Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Briones Lim
believed it would change me somehow. Maybe it would make me braver and more confident. Maybe my style and looks would change. Maybe I captured the attention of a certain dark-haired Adonis…
    Unfortunately, none of those things happened. About the only good thing that came out of attending that event was that my bond with Anna was forged tighter. Come to think of it, if that was the only thing I got out of it then I couldn’t be too unhappy.
    Nevertheless, that one event made me into some sort of fangirling, stalking monster. Day in and day out I found myself searching all over campus for any sign of Jacob. Despite how large Cal U was, I’d look everywhere just to get a glimpse of his handsome face. It was ridiculous and I admit somewhat creepy. No offense to Anna, but I was no better than one of those women who were sure they’d end up marrying a celebrity. Still, it was an addiction I could not stop.
    “You’re being stupid,” I’d tell myself. “He doesn’t even remember you. Besides, Anna already warned you he was off-limits.’
    I repeated these thoughts as if they were my mantra and after a while I finally listened. Once I fully convinced myself to bury any hopes I had of connecting with Jacob, something happened that threw me for a loop. Then again, that’s how it always is, right? The moment you write someone off is the moment they crash into your life.
    I shoved my hands into the shallow pockets of my jeans, fully regretting not throwing on a thicker coat. All that talk about San Diego weather being the best is nothing but utter lies! Shivering, I entered the main common area and claimed a seat toward the middle of the room. It was about eight at night, and except for a couple sharing a pizza in the corner, the building was relatively empty.
    “Good. I’ll get some studying done,” I sighed contentedly.
    Though my dorm room would have been a prime study spot, Anna had commandeered it with her new boyfriend, Lucas. Not wanting to intrude, nor play witness to their game of tonsil hockey, I opted to study elsewhere. Though the library seemed like the best way to go, I decided to ride the wave of trying new things and somehow ended up at the Student Commons.
    I tapped my pencil rhythmically against the pages of my Psychology book as I attempted to read through a chapter on conditioning. I must have read the same paragraph about bells and food about three times and still could not comprehend Pavlov’s methods.
    Tap, tap, t-t-t-tap.
    As I continued my pseudo drum solo, I realized I was echoing a distant beat. Closing my book, I careened my neck and heard the faint sound of trumpets.
    “No wonder I can’t concentrate. Guess it’s the library for me after all,” I muttered.
    As I began packing up, I couldn’t help but notice how familiar the music sounded. Overcome by curiosity, I quickly stuffed my dog-eared book into my messenger bag and hitched the strap on, intent on following the mysterious beat. As if being pulled by an invisible string, I walked past the couches of the east wing and cut through a hallway of vending machines. With each step the music became louder and more pronounced. I felt a bit like Alice In Wonderland, falling further down the rabbit hole. Once I turned down an unfamiliar corridor of the building, I realized the music was coming from behind a closed door at the end of a narrow hallway.
    Okay, I admit my spidey senses were tingling at this point. I mean what part of “weird door in a dark hallway” didn’t just scream turn around? I’d seen all those horror movies before! Yet, that unseen force was no longer leading me, but pulling me toward the music. Without thinking twice, I wrapped my hand around the metal door handle and pushed against the heavy door. What I saw on the other side stopped me in my tracks.
    Remember what I said about being over my crush? Well, that idea was completely thrown out the window once I saw Jacob dancing in the middle of the

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