Burn Out

Burn Out by Cheryl Douglas Read Free Book Online

Book: Burn Out by Cheryl Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Douglas
Tags: Romance
commitment, raised
your family, and if you were lucky, you still liked each other by the time the
kids flew the coop.” He grinned, revealing a few jagged teeth. “That’s the way
it’s supposed to be.”
    Erika tried not to
get sucked into his fantasy of the perfect little life, especially when it
seemed so far out of her reach. “I guess times have changed.”
    “So, you and Mr.
Spencer aren’t gettin’ back together?”
    “No, we’re not.”
Her cheeks flamed and she searched the parking lot for her taxi.
    “That’s a shame.
He sure hasn’t been himself since you left him.”
    Erika refused to
take the word of a man Evan only saw in passing. “He’s a very busy man. I doubt
he’s even had time to miss me since I left.” It hurt her to acknowledge it was
likely true. He hadn’t taken long to give up on her when she refused to take
his calls.
    “Sometimes we try
and keep busy so it won’t hurt so much.”
    Erika looked up,
surprised to hear his voice thick with emotion. “Are you okay?”
    “Yeah, I just…” He
cleared his throat and reached for a tissue. “I turn eighty tomorrow, and I
never thought I’d still be here.” He lifted his glasses and wiped the tears
from his eyes. “I thought Edith and I would’ve retired to Florida by now. You
know, a nice little condo on the beach.”
    “Why haven’t you?”
She knew she was prying, but since he’d always insinuated himself into her
personal business, she thought turnabout was fair play.
    “Edith has
dementia. It got real bad last year, so I had to put her in that new retirement
community, Bryson’s. I keep workin’ here just to pay those bills. Plus, it gets
me out of the house. The residents in this building are like my family.” He
shrugged. “I don’t really have anyone else. My kids and grandkids are spread
out all over the country. Hardly ever see them.”
    Charlie’s story
broke Erika’s heart. She’d known him for several years and he often spoke about
his wife. She always admired the fact they still seemed to love each other
after so many years. “Evan’s cousin, Alisa, is married to the owner of that
retirement community, Liam Bryson.”
    “Ya don’t say,” he
said, smiling. “It’s an awful nice place. Expensive, but worth every penny.
Hell, I’d keep workin’ ‘til my dyin’ day to could keep Edith there. She
deserves a place like that.” He gave her a wobbly smile. “Only the best for my
best girl.”
    Erika blinked back
tears as she caught sight of a taxi. She moved around the desk and reached out
to hug Charlie. “It was nice seeing you again. Give my best to your wife.”
    “It was nice
seein’ you too,” he said, patting her awkwardly on the back. “I hope to see you
around here again real soon.”
    “I don’t think you
will,” she said, reaching for one of the tissues. “But thanks.”
    “For what?” he
asked, looking confused.
    “For reminding me
that I need to hold out for what you and Edith have.” She dabbed at her eyes.
“I have to believe my Charlie’s out there waiting for me.” She choked back a
sob when she realized she’d almost convinced herself to settle for less than
she deserved again. “I want a man who’s going to love me the way you love your
wife. Who’s going to put me first.”
    He grinned as he
gave her two thumbs up. “Don’t give up hope, darlin’. He’s out there somewhere.
You might even be closer to findin’ him than you think.”

Chapter Four
    Evan reached over
and patted the bed, hoping he could convince Erika to cuddle for a few minutes
before they had to get up and go to work. It didn’t take long for him to
realize he was alone. He sat up, listening for the sound of the shower or the coffee
maker bubbling in the kitchen, some indication that she hadn’t left without a
    Cursing, he pulled
himself out of bed, grabbed his bathrobe off the back of the bathroom door, and
stumbled into the kitchen hoping to find at least a note to explain her

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