Cade: Le Beau Brothers: billionaire Shifter Series BBW mates (Le Beau Series)

Cade: Le Beau Brothers: billionaire Shifter Series BBW mates (Le Beau Series) by V.A. Dold Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Cade: Le Beau Brothers: billionaire Shifter Series BBW mates (Le Beau Series) by V.A. Dold Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.A. Dold
gentleman, but actually he was a lethal predator when the need arose. Tim needed to know how dangerous he was, in no uncertain terms. He was like a dog rising slowly, menacingly, with its hackles raised and canines displayed in a vicious snarl.
    Anna shook her head and turned to leave t he room. Tim snatched her by the arm and swung her around.
    An ominous snarl from Cade made her jump.
    Before Tim knew what hit him, he was face down on the floor with the hand he dared to touch Cade’s mate with twisted behind his back.
    Painfully, and at an unnatural angle.
    Tim screamed like a little girl and cried from the pain of his now broken arm. Anna covered her mouth to hide a grin. She felt a little bad about actually being happy Tim had gotten his due. What is that saying about Karma?  Tim just got bit in the ass.
    Cade glanced at her. “Cher, what would you like me to do with this trash? You want me to hold him here while you call the police?”
    She gave Tim a good long look, she was rather enjoying him whimpering on the floor. With one last dismissive glance she said, “No, I prefer to not tell my children I put their father in prison. Regardless how much he’s earned his orange jumpsuit. I’ll file a restraining order against him tomorrow.”
    He wasn’t happy about her ex running loose but he saw her point. “All right, the police need a statement about tonight to give cause.”
    “Okay, give me a couple minutes to call them,” she said.
    “Do you want me to hang around?” Stefan asked.
    “No, I have this. Thanks for coming.”
    Stefan gave him a mock salute and left.
    Moments later her voice floated in from the living room as she called 9-1-1. Within minutes sirens blared in the distance, and then footsteps of several police officers pounded in the courtyard.
    Cade held Tim on the floor until the first officer entered the bedroom. He knew all the officers in New Orleans personally. “Good evening, Al.”
    “Hello, Cade. What’s the situation here?”
    He dug his knee into Tim’s back as he stood. The added pressure caused Tim to scream like a little girl again.
    Al jerked him off the floor and slapped cuffs on him, eliciting another howl.
    “This is the ex-husband of Anna, the woman who lives here. He broke in and was reaching for her neck as she slept when I disabled him. Anna would like to get a restraining order on him tomorrow. Will you be able to push through the report tonight?”
    Al glared at Tim, “Absolutely.”
    “Also, please have the judge draw up the strictest restraining order available and deliver it to her.”
    “Consider it done.”
    Minutes later, Tim was riding to the station.
    “Cher, are you okay? You’re trembling.”
    “Yes, it’s rather terrifying to wake up with a man standing over you. He’s never acted like a crazy person before.”
    Taking her hand he led her to the couch. “Let me hold you.” Comforting her, he quietly hummed a love song from long ago.
    “You have a wonderful voice.”
    As he ended the song, she snuggled closer to his chest. “Thank you for coming back.”
    “I will always protect you, cher. Since we’re on that subject, we need to talk.”
    She sat straighter to see his face. “All right.”
    “You’re not safe here with him on the loose, even with a restraining order. I’m not sure what his game is yet but I’ll find out. In the meantime I would like you to stay in a hotel where he can’t find you. In a public place with lots of people.”
    “What do you have in mind? You’re right after tonight, I don’t want to stay here.”
    “Pack a bag and I’ll take you to the hotel on Canal.”
    “Okay, give me a minute and we can leave.”
    They entered the lobby and he went directly to the registration desk and asked for the manager. She was confused, what the heck is he doing? You don’t need the manager to get a room .
    Within minutes the manager came from the back. He took one look at Cade and a huge smile broke across his face.

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