Cade: Le Beau Brothers: billionaire Shifter Series BBW mates (Le Beau Series)

Cade: Le Beau Brothers: billionaire Shifter Series BBW mates (Le Beau Series) by V.A. Dold Read Free Book Online

Book: Cade: Le Beau Brothers: billionaire Shifter Series BBW mates (Le Beau Series) by V.A. Dold Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.A. Dold
Neighbor and foot traffic also nil. To him, Anna was a sitting duck. Silently passing through the jungle in the courtyard he approached Stefan down wind.
    “Thank you for coming, Stefan.”
    “Always, what’s going on?”
    He brushed fingers through his hair. “My mate was married before. Her ex followed her here from Denver and has been harassing her. She told me about their history and he sounded desperate and a bit unstable. I met him tonight at B’s. His scent became laced with aggression the moment he saw her. When I walked her to the door, his scent was everywhere. He had lingered outside her door for quite a while. I believe he may come back tonight.”
    “Not good, desperation makes a person do stupid things. What do you want me to do?”
    “I’ll stay in the shadows in the alcove near her door. You stay out of sight down here watching for him to come through the courtyard.” Cade tilted his head toward the staircase.  “Go to her door and get his scent, then we’ll take positions.”
    He stepped into the shadows as he waited for Stefan.
    “The man reeks of deception,” his brother said when he returned.
    “I agree. If you see him coming , signal, but let him pass. I need him to go into her apartment. I can’t take action against him without cause. I won’t give Anna any reason to doubt my intentions.”
    “If I’m going to let him pass, why do you need me?”
    “To stop me from killing him.”
    “Good point.”
    “All right, go wolf. You will be less noticeable.”
    Cade was a whisper as he made his way to the alcove, skipping stairs five and eight, then disappearing into the shadows.
    For almost an hour, only the occasional dog barking in the distance broke the silence. Then he heard a creak, a heartbeat later, another. Cade saw Stefan’s signal and remained completely invisible to Tim.
    A door handle jiggled, then scratching of metal on metal. Tim turned the knob and entered.
    Cade was inside in a flash, two steps behind Tim, not making a sound. If the moron threatened his mate, he was in position to act. He needed Anna to wake and catch Tim in her apartment if he wanted any hope of her leaving with him. He knew she wouldn’t agree any other way. She didn’t see Tim as the danger he presented.
    They neared her sleeping form. A few heartbeats passed before Tim extended his hands toward her throat. The instant skin contacted skin, Cade struck. 
    Anna screamed long and loud. The bedside lamp crashed to the floor as she fumbled to light the room.
    Stefan joined Cade in the apartment the instant he saw him move from the alcove. With a flick of the light switch by the door, the room was alive with light.
    Anna scrambled, flattened against the headboard. Her eyes shot to Cade holding Tim prone on the floor. “What …Why…”
    “Stefan, I’m going to let this idiot up, if he moves take him down.”
    Cade reached for his mate cowering in her bed. Her eyes, wide and brows pulled tight, tracked him as he approached. “May I sit with you, cher?”
    She scooted over, her eyes never leaving his.
    “I caught Tim breaking into your apartment. He was about to wrap his hands around your throat.”
    She leaned forward to see her ex. Her expression melted into a scowl. “Are you insane!” she yelled at Tim.
    Sneering, Tim said, “Who is this?” pointing at Cade and raking him up and down like he actually thought he could take him.
    She raised her chin higher in defiance. “That’s none of your business. I should call the police and have you arrested.”
    Tim bristled. “I don’t want a strange man in your apartment. He needs to leave. Now.”
    She scooted around Cade and stood almost nose to nose with her ex. She narrowed her eyes. “No, Tim, YOU need to leave. Preferably leave the entire state. Why did you move here anyway?”
    Cade flexed his shoulders, deliberately allowing a visible ripple of muscle under h is skin-tight, white t-shirt. To the human world, he strove to be a perfect

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