Carol's Image

Carol's Image by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Carol's Image by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryann Jordan
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
detective is and might just be what you need.”
    Just then a young, smiling, male doctor walked passed Tom and Jon straight into the examining room. “Miss Fletcher, I heard you were injured. I wanted to come down to make sure you were all right.”
    Jon moaned. “That prick, Dr. Driscoll, is always sniffing after Carol and she won’t give him the time of day!”
    Oh hell no, Tom thought. Pushing his way past Jon he walked into the room as well, with Jon close on his heels.
    He stopped, glaring at the doctor who looked up in surprise. Glancing over Tom saw Carol, wide-eyed, holding her scrub top in front of her chest, with her shoulder in a sling.
    Jon, quickly walking over to the examining table said, “Carol, I found your boyfriend waiting outside and knew you would want him in here with you.”
    Her eyes snapped from Jon to Tom to Sofia and then to Dr. Driscoll. Not knowing what to say, she blushed bright red.
    Tom, furious with the doctor trying to use his interest in Carol to get into the examining room couldn’t help but notice her gorgeous blush creeping from her barely covered chest to her hairline. Walking over, he wrapped his arm around her uninjured arm, kissing the top of her head. “I was worried, baby. Jon helped me find you.”
    Dr. Driscoll, scowling, turned and left the room muttering about unofficial people in the ER. Sofia and Jon burst into laughter at the retreating doctor’s back.
    Tom looked down as Carol looked up, not surprised to see her eyes flashing fury. Not letting go of her he leaned down, barely brushing his lips over hers.
    “Angel, I can see you are all ready to pitch a fit, but let me lay this out for you. I was mad out there earlier ’cause I saw a woman, especially a woman I’m interested in, get kicked by an out of control drunk. That shit doesn’t fly with me, Carol. Now I was waitin’ outside patiently with your friend Jon, when the next asshole comes walkin’ in like he has a right to see your body just ’cause he works here. Jon didn’t think it was cool, and I sure as hell didn’t either. So we came in, made a play, not to embarrass you, but to make sure that asshole knows you aren’t on the market. You got that, angel?”
    Carol, still grasping the scrub top to her chest, just blinked slowly. She heard Sofia say, “Damn girl. That is hot.”
    Blue eyes stared into blue eyes. Tom whispered, “You got me, Carol?”
    “You’re interested in me?” was all Carol could think to say.
    Tom, leaning back in surprise, looked at her beautiful face. Shaking his head, he replied, “That’s all you got from that, angel? Yeah, I’m interested in you.”
    It did not escape Tom’s notice that Sofia and Jon exchanged looks. Remembering what Sofia had said about Carol growing up with a dictator, he figured that might have something to do with her self-esteem. Vowing to himself to work on that later, he turned to Sofia.
    “Is she ready to go home?”
    Sofia nodded, “Yeah, her arm is just bruised, so we’re putting it in a sling to limit the movement for a couple of days. The ER charge nurse told her to take three days off due to an injury at work.”
    Jon snorted at that. “They don’t want her to file a complaint since the guard did not do his job.”
    Tom noticed that Carol was still sitting perfectly still, with her pink scrub top clutched to her chest. Her back was perfectly shaped, her porcelain skin beckoned. He wanted to start at her ears and kiss his way down her neck to her shoulders, continue the path down toward her –. Get your mind off her breasts and get her home.
    “I’ll take her home,” he announced to a grinning Sofia and Jon.
    Carol, snapping out of her trance of the last several minutes, asked, “Just who do you think you are?”
    “I’m the man who would give you everything… and give anything to take care of you,” he announced, using Sofia’s words from earlier. “Get dressed, angel. I’ll wait outside.”
    Dropping a kiss to the top

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