drunk and Tom, barely missing his flying fist. “No,” she screamed. “He’s a patient!”
Tom, anger at an all-time high, grabbed Carol to pull her out of the way. Hauling her by her arms, he removed her to the side while shouting orders to the security guard, now accompanied by several other guards. “Get him the fuck handcuffed to a bed!” he growled.
Carol, shaken, realized that while Tom had her upper arms in a firm grasp, he was not hurting her in the least. It felt secure. It felt safe. It felt right. It felt –
“What the fuck were you doin’ runnin’ toward his drunken ass?” Tom roared at her, shocking her out of her sense of calm.
Attempting without success to jerk away from him she looked up, eyes blazing, “I was doing my job. Trying to stop the patient from hurting himself or someone else in the process.” She shook her finger at him, poking him in the chest, continuing her tirade. “I am not some helpless female that is going to fall apart at the first sign of trouble.” Poke, poke. “And furthermore, I am not some female that is going to fall at your feet just because you decide to go all caveman on me!”
Blonde hair escaping her ponytail. Blue eyes snapping. Cheeks rosy from exertion. She looks more beautiful as an avenging angel than ever. Tom wanted to grab her and kiss her until she was silent. Then kiss her until she moaned. Then kiss her until she… Damn! Trying to discreetly adjust the tightness in his jeans, he looked down at her imagining all that energy pouring off of her aimed at him as he took her.
Whirling around, she walked down the hall, holding her head high. Her shoulder was in agony, but she was determined to not let him see her in pain.
Starting to follow her, he was called back.
“Hey dickwad. Way to make a lady feel good!” Rob laughed.
Tom, glaring at his friend just growled, “What the hell are you doin’ here?”
Rob, still laughing, replied, “We’re the ones who brought the drunk in.” His eyes darted down the hall at Carol’s retreating back and his laughter stilled. “Sorry about that man. I assumed the security guard would put him in a secure lockdown area while they were checkin’ him out. She okay?”
“I don’t know. That asshole kicked her pretty hard.” Rubbing his hand over his face in frustration, he started walking in the direction where she was headed.
“Good luck,” Rob called after him.
Tom just waved in return as he continued walking down the ER hallway toward the nursing station. Hearing familiar voices coming from one of the examining rooms, he started to interrupt until he heard a female’s voice tell Carol to take off her scrub top. Fuck, what would I give to be in there right now? Knowing he had no choice, he stopped outside.
“God almighty, girl. You sure know how to pick a fight, don’t you?”
“Sofia, I don’t know what made me angrier. That drunk patient or caveman detective,” Carol replied.
Tom, listening outside the room, was surprised when he was joined by a male nurse.
“Name’s Jon. I’m a friend of Carol’s. She getting patched up by Sofia?”
Tom nodded, eyeing Jon carefully.
Jon laughed. “Don’t worry man. I’m just her friend. She’s a great girl, but…well, I just don’t swing that way.”
Tom nodded once again, seeing an ally in Jon. Both men stayed outside the examining room, unashamedly listening to the conversation.
“Carol, honey, I’ve been married a long time. Nothin’ wrong with a man goin’ all caveman on you, if his heart’s in the right place. That’s not the same as a dictator prick who just wants to control you.”
Tom overheard a snort coming from the room.
Sofia continued. “Yeah, you know what I’m sayin’. You grew up with that kind of dictator. But honey, there can be the kind of man who gives you everything he has to give and would give anything just to take care of you. That kind of man…well, you’ve never had that before. Might just be what your
Reshonda Tate Billingsley