Carol's Image

Carol's Image by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online

Book: Carol's Image by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryann Jordan
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
weight loss.”
    “I hadn’t thought of that,” Carol admitted. “It was the combination of the invitation and wanting to make a good impression on Tom, but the idea of a relationship is scary.”
    “All relationships are scary because you bare yourself to the other person, not knowing if they will accept you or reject you.” The comfortable silence flowed around the two women for a few minutes, allowing Carol to consider her words.
    A small smile curved the edges of Carol’s mouth. The tentative smile turned into a beautiful grin, as she looked over at Ronda. “I think I would like to try. I like the way he makes me feel,” she acknowledged. “Safe, secure, and maybe even pretty. I like that.”
    “Well then my dear. I think you are still moving forward beautifully. You know that with bulimia you will have some setbacks. And that’s fine. Life is all about moving forward, even if we occasionally move sideways or backward!”
    Laughing, the two women rose from their chairs and embraced before parting.

Chapter 5
    “W here you headin’ off to?” Jake asked his partner, early the next day, having just come in from his run before work.
    “Thought I would go by the hospital and see James.”
    “Uh huh. I think visitin’ hours haven’t started yet. You plannin’ on checkin’ out the ER while you’re there?”
    Tom grinned at Jake, “Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to seein’ who’s there.” Grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair he swung it around, dangling it by one finger across his shoulder.
    “Well, take care of that angel. You don’t want her wings gettin’ clipped.”
    “No worries there, Jake. That woman’s special,” Tom replied, as he turned and walked out of the station.
    Arriving at the hospital he went up to James’ room first to check on him. Jen was just arriving and greeted him warmly.
    “Hey, Jen,” he said, looking down at her very pregnant stomach. “How’s little Jimmy today?”
    “Oh, he’s ready to come out and meet his daddy, but I told him to wait a bit. Let me deal with getting James home before this one arrives.”
    Placing his arm around her, pulling her in for a hug, he replied, “You know you have all of us, right?”
    She smiled up at him knowing the brotherhood of the police force would see her and James through and hugged him tighter.
    Just then the elevator doors opened, and Carol walked through looking at Tom comforting Jen. Smiling as she walked over, she greeted them both, placing her tiny hand on Jen’s arm, “How are you doing?”
    Jen returned the smile, assuring Carol that she was fine. Carol’s eyes raised to Tom’s, once again stunned by the male glory in front of her. He wants to take me to dinner? She was just getting ready to greet him when her pager sounded calling her back to the ER.
    “That’s odd. My shift is over – they must be shorthanded right now.” Hugging Jen goodbye, she turned to walk to the elevator.
    “May I escort you to the ER?” he asked, reaching beyond her to push the elevator buttons. “I’m headin’ out anyway.”
    Smiling her agreement they made their way to the ER, only to find it chaotic. A young man, wild-eyed and cursing, half-dressed with the hospital gown falling off was running down the hallway, pushing carts into the way of the pursuing security guard. Appearing to be intoxicated, he was swinging his arms around as though to hit something in his imagination. Before Tom could react, Carol ran toward the man, who knocked her down as he was stumbling forward. He fell to the floor as Tom and the security guard jumped on him, pulling out their handcuffs. The drunken man managed to kick out one last time, catching her on the shoulder knocking her into the wall.
    “Goddamn it!” Tom roared. Fury overtook him as he hauled the man up, pulling back his arm to punch the drunken fool. The new security guard, not knowing what to do just stood back.
    Scrambling off the floor, she launched herself between the

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