Chasing Soma

Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online

Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
where I fall head over hills in love with this house. There are five bedrooms that start out fairly small and continue to get bigger until you get to the master bedroom. It is large and with large windows that look out onto the pond that we used to swim in. The one we thought nobody could see us while we swam naked. My cheeks heat and when Chase notices the view, he starts laughing.
    What really got me to fall in love with the house is the tower. We walk up the spiral staircase into a room that is all windows with bookshelves towering everywhere. It is the most breathtaking library I have ever seen. I can see myself with a desk in the middle of the room and writing about adventures. I would pause in my writing to look out at the lush view of trees. I can see myself happy here.
    I look up at Chase with tears in my eyes. He smiles and runs his finger down my cheek.
    “We’ll take it.” He tells Mr. Telford. I gasp at him as Mr. Telford beams. He just made enough in commission to last him a while.
    “That’s wonderful.” Mr. Telford says and you can practically see the dollar bills in his eyes.
    “I want immediate possession. Can you make that happen?” Mr. Telford pulls out his phone.
    “I will call the bank now and see how quickly we can sit up a meeting to sign the papers. I think they will be agreeable. It is the local bank after all.” In other words they have nothing else going on. Mr. Telford steps out of the room to make his phone call and I hiss at Chase.
    “We can’t afford a house like this.” I spit out as I continue to look at the beauty surrounding me. Living here would be like a dream come true.
    “Of course we can.” He shrugs his shoulder and I glare up at him.
    “Unless you won the lottery while you were gone.” I take Leah from his arms when she starts squirming. I sit her down and she runs over to look out the window.
    “Mommy, it’s a princess castle.” She says as she claps her hands and bounces up and down.
    “Babe, I made good money as a SEAL and I saved every penny. One of the guys on my team is a genius with numbers and predicting the stock market. I invested a lot of my money and it grew beyond anything I could have imagined. I can afford this house and ten more like it if I choose to.” He tells me taking me completely by surprise. I can’t believe that we could be moving into the very house we used to daydream about living in.
    “I want the house that you and I dreamed of living in as we would lay naked by the pond. I want all the things we talked about having together.” He says the last part against my mouth as he pulls me toward him. I open my mouth to him immediately and his tongue thrusts in touching my tongue, creating a frenzy as my breathing explodes from my lungs. I forget where we are and what is going on as I surrender myself to the pleasure of his mouth.
    A throat clears making us jump apart, startled by the older man who smirks at us.
    “The bank says they can have the paperwork ready by this evening. They would like your bank information to see that you are serious though.” He tells Chase.
    “Of course.” He pulls out his wallet and hands Mr. Telford a piece of paper with numbers written all over it.
    “USAA” Mr. Telford asks and Chase nods his head. He steps back out of the room with his phone to his ear. I shake my head. It looks like he is getting his way yet again.
    “Mommy, a bird.” Leah shouts excitedly. We both make our way over to it and watch as it lays a branch down on the nest in is building next to the window.
    “I bet soon it will have eggs in it.” Chase tells Leah and she jumps up and down.
    “So which room do you want as your bedroom.” Chase asks her and she stops and thinks.
    “This one.” She says happily.
    “I was thinking this would be a good library and office for mommy to write in.” Chase tells her taking me by surprise. It’s almost as though he can read my mind at times.
    “I show you.” Leah takes his hand and

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