Childe Morgan

Childe Morgan by Katherine Kurtz Read Free Book Online

Book: Childe Morgan by Katherine Kurtz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Kurtz
bow that brought a smile to the king’s lips. At their approach, Jovett had moved his knighting party to one side, where all of them watched anxiously.
    â€œI see that your young son flourishes, Sir Kenneth,” Donal said, settling the Haldane sword in the crook of his arm, its hilt in his left hand. “You have performed your duty well, in providing an heir for Corwyn and Lendour—though methinks it can have been no onerous duty, with so fair a lady at your side.” At his nod toward Alyce, a faint snigger rippled through the watching court, but she only inclined her head gracefully at the compliment.
    â€œI am also much pleased with the counsel that you have given with regard to the regency of your wife’s lands,” the king went on, “which, someday, will be your son’s lands. Given his tender age, however, it seems to me that those lands deserve a more tangible symbol of lordship, and sooner rather than later. In addition, as I much desire to continue employing your talents on my own behalf, as I advance in years and my own heir approaches his majority, it seems to me fitting that you possess a more appropriate rank by which you may speak in my name and his, in matters diplomatic.”
    â€œSire, I am yours to command,” Kenneth murmured with a taut bow.
    â€œThen I trust you will not object when I tell you that I have this day determined to create you Earl of Lendour for life, by right of your wife.” A collective gasp whispered through the hall, but the king only flicked a steely glance out over the assembled court to silence it, and went on.
    â€œWill you, then, accept this honor from my hand, and be my man for Lendour, and continue serving as principal regent of Corwyn?” He smiled and shrugged. “It means that someday, your son will be your feudal superior, when he takes up his ducal coronet—but by then, perhaps you will be ready to retire to some quiet spot with your lovely wife, to enjoy the delights of grandchildren. It is a pleasure I have not yet tasted for myself, but I am assured by my governor in Meara and others who have them that the experience is altogether agreeable.”
    His droll smile and wink at Sir Lucien and several of his senior council lords who did have grandchildren was answered by gentle chuckles of honest amusement from most in the hall, and defused what might have been an awkward moment regarding Kenneth’s good fortune.
    â€œBut, enough of this,” Donal said, rising. “Kenneth, I’ll thank you to kneel.” As Kenneth hastily did so, the king shifted the Haldane sword into his right hand and briskly touched it to Kenneth’s right shoulder, left shoulder. “I create you Earl of Lendour for life, with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that entails. Will you now do homage for your lands?”
    â€œI will, Sire, most gladly,” Kenneth replied, lifting his joined hands in an attitude of prayer.
    Smiling faintly, the king handed the sword off to Prince Brion and took Kenneth’s hands between his own, nodding for him to speak.
    â€œI, Kenneth Kai Morgan, do enter your homage and become your liege man for Lendour, reaffirming the vows I made when your father knighted me. Faith and truth will I bear to you, and to your sons, and to your house, in all things, so help me God.”
    â€œAnd I receive your homage most gladly, Kenneth Morgan Earl of Lendour, and pledge you my loyalty and protection for so long as you keep faith with me.”
    So saying, the king released Kenneth’s hands and dipped into a pocket within his sleeve, producing a gold signet, which he slid onto Kenneth’s left forefinger.
    â€œWear this ring as a seal of fidelity to the oaths you have sworn, and a symbol of your authority,” the king said, also receiving from the queen a hammered silver circlet the width of two fingers, set with flat cabochon garnets all around. “And receive this

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