Collide & Burn

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Book: Collide & Burn by Claudy Conn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claudy Conn
Tags: Fiction / Romance - Contemporary
do that in every way imaginable  … all night. Are you ready? ”
    I laughed. “If you are.”
    He pulled me into him, and his mouth closed on mine.
    Oh no . I suddenly realized I had gone too far. Somehow more than my body was responding to this big and capable man. It was my heart. Maybe I had fooled myself when I said I didn’t care about tomorrow, because just then, I did. I did care. My heart skipped a beat and whispered his name.
    I couldn’t let my heart into this game, but was it too late to stop it?

    ~ Four ~
    MY CLOCK READ 2:00 AM.
    He was still there —dead to the world, but still there. I couldn’t believe his stamina. Some of the sex had been wild and a bit rough, like when he put me onto my hands and knees and damn near rammed right through me. And, hell, I’d loved it. I exploded all around his hot, wet dick, and he just kept going.
    The man was a sex god.
    He knew how to please a woman—at least this woman—and he didn’t stop. He didn’t seem to want more than to please me, over and over, and he did.
    I fell asleep when he pulled me into him that last time, and as I dozed off I felt his kisses cover my face, my neck, and then back to my cheeks and lips. I had been mildly surprised. They weren’t passionate kisses but sweet, affectionate ones.
    Where had this guy come from? He was perfect—except for the fact that he was a confirmed ‘no relationship’ kinda guy. Maybe that was why he was perfect. He took care of the now and didn’t worry about the later.
    I heard his heavy breathing, but I needed to get up and go to the bathroom, so gingerly, and I swear I didn’t make a sound, I slipped out of bed. I nearly jumped out of my skin when he said, his voice clear and demanding, “Where do you think you are going?”
    “Where do you think,” I whispered.
    “Come right back …” He seemed to have an endless supply of condoms. He held one up in the air and grinned like a young boy. “And put this one on me.”
    I laughed. “I don’t know about you, but I need some sleep.”
    “One more time tonight, and then we’ll sleep …” he coaxed.
    I stopped and looked at him. “Are you always this demanding?”
    He didn’t answer right away. I couldn’t see if he was frowning, and yet I kinda thought he was. Finally he said, “Look … I don’t want you to read anything into this, but to be honest, no, I have never wanted a woman as much, or ever enjoyed a woman as much as I am wanting and enjoying you and that delicious body of yours. Does that answer your question?”
    Don’t read anything into it , I repeated his words in my mind . Don’t  … because if you do, Charlie, you’ll start hoping for something that will never happen . This is your one-night stand, and if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get another, but that is all he is about. Remember, Charlie .
    He was standing up when I got back to the bedroom. His dick was already blanketed and standing at attention. He reached for my hand as he sat on a nearby chair and faced me away from him. “I am going to take you now, hard, really hard … want it, Charlie?”
    I thought I was too exhausted, so I surprised myself when I said, “ Want it .”
    He pulled me down onto his lap as he held my waist and rubbed his cock along my bottom. Another first for me. He took my hips with his hands and worked his cock into me.
    Aw hell, I was seeing a universe of stars. This man had moves.
    I began a dance all over his hard cock because I was on fire and needing a long, cool drink of relief.
    He reached around and held my breasts, his forefingers flipped my nipples until they were tender with sensation and, hot damn, he made me go off so fast, so easily, and it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. Every inch of me tingled with relief, hot, earth-shattering relief. Every inch of me quivered with satisfaction.
    He grunted with pleasure and worked himself until his flesh got taut and he went off deep, deep inside

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