Collide & Burn

Collide & Burn by Claudy Conn Read Free Book Online

Book: Collide & Burn by Claudy Conn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claudy Conn
Tags: Fiction / Romance - Contemporary
meant to tell him it was all fine with me. I wanted this. I needed this . I was ready for some fun and had chosen him to give me that fun.
    Breathless . Our joining in that kiss left us both breathless, but he pulled up just enough to whisper and prove my instincts correct, “ I don’t stay , Charlie. I don’t want you to misunderstand. I like you . I like everything about you, and I want you to the point where I am walking around with a hard-on that shouts your name, day and night. But I don’t do relationships .”
    “What do you do?” I couldn’t believe I dared to ask.
    “ I fuck , Charlie … that’s all that this will be. A really great fuck ,” he answered, and I saw the hunger in his blue eyes.
    “I think I would like that … to fuck with no ties. It would be a new thing for me,” I answered.
    He kissed me hard, as though my words engendered even more passion than what I’d already witnessed in him. When he let me up for air, I murmured, “No … don’t stop  …”
    “I don’t mean to, Charlie, but I want to be sure you understand about tomorrow. There are no tomorrows.”
    “I don’t care  … this isn’t about tomorrow,” I whispered back. “This is about now.” Were those words mine? Who was the girl who said those words? I don’t do one-night stands. I hardly curse, I don’t  … I don’t … oh hot damn, he had my sweater off.
    His hand cupped my breast, and his tongue was back against mine, taking me to the land of the burning and the free. He took me to the now , where tomorrow didn’t exist.
    His intensity was infectious as he removed his clothing and I removed my jeans. Why wasn’t I shy about this? I hadn’t been with anyone since John, but I wasn’t shy at all.
    He kissed me throughout our undressing, and all at once he was naked.
    He was so damn naked, and all I could do was stare at his package. I am talking huge. The man was seriously hung.
    He was beyond anything I had ever imagined even existed. He was ripped. His six-pack looked like he worked out four hours a day. He was so perfect.
    His cock was at full erection, wide and long and so obviously made for pleasuring a woman. I sucked up a long gulp of air and tried to send it down to my lungs, which were reaching desperately to receive that air.
    He stroked my face and my neck with gentle fingers and whispered, “It’s okay, Charlie, breathe  … just breathe  …”
    How did he know I was about to hyperventilate?
    He slowly singed my flesh at my neck with his skilled lips and teeth, nipping at me in the most erotic way. I had never dreamt sex could be like this.
    Sex with John had always been  … friendly, and John had been my first. I suppose that was why we stuck it out together for so long.
    Wade Devon made love to my body as though I was a goddess he was reveling in. He stroked me in slow degrees. His hands were everywhere, and everywhere he touched, I yearned and burned for more.
    All at once, I was up in his arms like a babe, and he growled, “ Which way to your bed? ”
    Oh no  … I had not made it this morning. “It’s a mess   …” I managed to squeak out. Why did he always make me squeak like a pig? That thought made me giggle.
    He grinned. “Do you think I give a shit?”
    I pointed, he strode hard and fast, and when we got to my room, he took a look around and laughed. “It looks like what a teenage girl might put together, Charlie.” He laughed again, strode to the bed, and put me down gently on the crumpled sheet and blanket.
    “Yeah, well, just moved my bedroom stuff from my home—now your home—here.” I looked up at him, and all I could see was that huge erection pointing straight at me. I gulped.
    He turned and left me. I watched his very fine ass and felt my eyes open wide. What? Where was he going? Did my teenage room turn him off?
    Relief flooded me when he reappeared with several small packages in his hand. He laid all but one on my little white nightstand.

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