Conflicting Hearts

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Book: Conflicting Hearts by J. D. Burrows Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Burrows
stripes. I
salivate over his good looks.
    Next, I scroll down to his credentials. There is it… Harvard
Law. Oh, great, I feel like such a dummy now , I moan in
disappointment . The rest of the information goes on with details about
his practice area and expertise.
    As I keep clicking on search results, it’s obvious that he’s
well educated and respected. I wonder about his family. Perhaps they’re rich.
He probably makes a three-figure income every year, and I’m reminded of my own
pittance of a salary and multiple credit card debts. The more I read, the more
depressed I become. The dichotomy between the two of us builds a broad chasm in
my mind. I’ll never be able to breach it, especially when he gets to know me.
    Quickly, I exit the Internet. My eyes start to water as I
ponder my worthless life. I notice the time. One more trip to the ladies’ room
before heading home, and then I’m going to stuff my face with ice cream and hug
my cat. I need comfort and assurance from something, even if it’s a ball of
    Thanks to my online snooping, I’m in the doldrums as I drive
home. The feeling of hopelessness smothers me. Saturday will no doubt turn out
disastrous, and our acquaintance will come to a swift end. The voices in my
head taunt me.
    Nothing good ever happens to you. You’re such a loser.
    Yeah, yeah, I know , I acknowledge them in return . I
believe every word they’ve told me for twenty-five years and always have. Why
should anything change now? It never does.

Chapter 4
    Taking a Hike
    The morning dawns, and I try to find courage to face the
day. I eat an early breakfast high in protein, so I don’t succumb to the need
for food until later. Strangely, I’m not feeling as nervous as I thought I
would be. In fact, I feel excited to be doing something besides staying home
    I dress in my best jeans, pink tee shirt, and grab a light
jacket. The weather is clear and sunny today with a high of seventy-five
degrees. Perfect for hiking the Columbia River Gorge, except as usual, it’s a
bit breezy from the east winds.
    My long, blonde hair is freshly washed and pulled back in a
ponytail that I weave through the back of my pink baseball cap. Apparently, I’m
into pink today. I try not to overdue the makeup and definitely forgo any
perfume. Otherwise, I’ll be a target for every bee from here to Idaho.
    After riffling through my dresser drawer, I find my waist
pouch. I stuff it with my keys, wallet, tube of lipstick, small comb, a couple
of tissues, and breath mints. I think that covers all the bases.
    The anticipated knock comes at the door. For a moment, I
hesitate to answer and make sure it’s him by taking a peek through the peep
hole. Sure enough, it is. He has his head down, and I wonder what he’s thinking
    My delay causes him to knock again, so I relent and answer.
My heart leaps into my throat. God, he’s a hunk even out of a suit. He’s
wearing a Blazer team tee shirt, which lets a few chest hairs peek over the
top, and blue jeans with a matching jacket. I glance at his feet and see
top-of-the-line hiking boots.
    “Hi,” he says, sporting a smile that flashes his
pearly-white teeth.
    “Hi.” I keep my mouth shut and grin. He’s contagious in a
strange way—all that positive energy, laced with manners and kindness.
    “You, uh, want to come in for a second? I need to grab my
jacket and stuff.”
    “Sure,” he says, walking in and closing the door. He glances
around my apartment. “Nice place.”
    It’s obvious he’s just saying that to be polite, but I try
to accept the comment. “Yeah, works for me. Been here about five years now.”
    “Wow, long time.”
    “Rent is cheap. Neighbors are quiet. That’s important.”
    “Sure is.”
    He stands there and watches my movements. I grab my waist
satchel and my jacket. “Well, guess that’s all I need.”
    Ian opens the door for me, and I lock it. Once again, time stops,
and I’m off somewhere in my thoughts as I gleefully

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