Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset

Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset by C. G. Cooper Read Free Book Online

Book: Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset by C. G. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. G. Cooper
Tags: corps justice, cg cooper, council of patriots, back to war, prime asset, corps justice boxed set
that’s when he lost it.
    CAL (heaving sobs): Frank, I am so sorry…so
    The tears and the sobs continued for a few
minutes. It was the first time Cal had allowed himself to really
grieve. In his mind he’d run this scene over and over before it
happened, but now all his preparation was out the window. The depth
of his grief and despair lay open.
    He’d lost the love of his
life. The one woman who’d understood him. The woman who could help
him make sense of all the madness in the world. Now that beautiful
woman was gone. He hated that the only picture he could remember of
her was the final moment in the blood-soaked alley. No one should
die in a place like that. Especially his wonderful Jess. I’m so sorry, Jess.
    Once both men got their emotions somewhat
under control, Jess’s father started again.
    FRANK : Cal,
are you ok?
    How can he ask me something like that right
now? Shouldn’t he be yelling and screaming at the man that got his
daughter killed?
    CAL : Yeah,
I’m ok. Frank, I just want to say I’m sorry…
    FRANK : It
wasn’t your fault, son. You did your best. Jess wouldn’t want you
to blame yourself.
    CAL (in a
whisper): I know.
    FRANK : When
can we come see you?
    CAL : I’d
really rather come to you guys. When’s Jess’s funeral?
    FRANK : We
were waiting to hear from you. When are they releasing
    CAL : I’m
not sure. I’ve got a couple other phone calls to make. Can I call
you back when I know more?
    FRANK :
Sure. And, Cal?
    CAL :
    FRANK : I
love you, son.
    Unable to respond, the tear-soaked Marine
hung up the call and stared at the picture of his beloved Jess. He
realized that not even a lifetime in battle could prepare you for
the death of a loved one. The pit of emptiness he felt in his
stomach threatened to overwhelm him. He tried to push it away and
instead turned to the stack of handwritten phone messages.
    The next calls were from his cousin, Travis
Haden. Travis, a former Navy SEAL, ran Cal’s father’s company. He
led the company with an interesting combination of charm and
courage. His dirty blond hair and rugged good looks didn’t hurt
with the ladies either. Despite their age difference of ten years,
Cal and Travis were very close. The last time he’d seen Travis,
they were trying to decide which engagement ring to buy for
    He speed dialed Travis and waited for his
cousin to answer.
    TRAVIS :
    CAL : Hey,
    TRAVIS :
Shit, man. What the hell is going on?! Why didn’t you return my
calls? Me and some of the boys were about to raid the
    CAL : I’ve
had a lot on my mind, Trav.
    TRAVIS (tenderly): Yeah, I know. I can’t tell you how sorry I am
about Jess, cuz.
    CAL : Thanks
but I really don’t wanna talk about it.
    TRAVIS : Ok.
How about you? How are you feeling?
    CAL : It’s
never fun to be shot, but I’m doing ok.
    TRAVIS :
What are the doctors saying?
    CAL : They
say I need some physical therapy and want me to stay here for a
couple weeks. Is there anything you can do about that?
    Travis always seemed to know someone that
could pull a few strings.
    TRAVIS :
I’ve already looked into it. How about we get you a ride in an
ambulance back to the compound and have a doctor check on you a
couple times a day?
    Cal thought about the two thousand acre
campus south of Nashville that housed Stokes Security International
(SSI). It would be good to see it again.
    CAL (brightening): I’d love it. I can even put up with any doctor
if I can come home.
    TRAVIS : You
got it, Cal. Let me make some calls. You sit tight and I’ll call
you back within the hour.
    With that the phone went dead and Cal put it
back on the nightstand.
    The rest of the messages were from
friends/employees within SSI so he decided to wait until he got
back to the compound before talking to them.
    True to his word Travis called back

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