Crimson Falls (The Depravity Chronicles)

Crimson Falls (The Depravity Chronicles) by Joshua Grove Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Crimson Falls (The Depravity Chronicles) by Joshua Grove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Grove
was standing in the doorway of his study. He walked over and hugged
her tightly.
    “I’m so sorry
for your loss. I know you visited with Alan and knew his family when they were
    “It is a sad day
indeed.” She looked at him, then looked at the book on demonology that was
lying on his chair, then back to him again. “Interesting reading, Father,” she said.
    “Yes, indeed.”
He wasn’t sure where she was going with this.
    “Have you heard
any of the details surrounding Alan’s death?” she asked.
    “Jake O’Reilly
stopped by to see me earlier today.”
    “What did he
have to say?”
    “Have you spoken
with him?” Matthew asked.
    “How did you
find out about Alan?” he asked.
    “Michael Mullins
called to inform me.”
    “Ah, I see.”
    “So, what do you
know?” she repeated.
    “Jake asked me
where I had been all day.”
    “He what?” Amy
asked, shocked. A petite woman of only five feet, with dark rimmed glasses
resting on her nose, she gave the impression of intellect, with a hint of
    “That’s what I
thought,” he said.
    “Well he never
really was the most intelligent man,” she laughed. “Or the most tactful.”
    Matthew smiled.
“I am not really at liberty to discuss the details,” he said with regret.
    “Understood,” Amy
said with a raised hand.
    “But I can tell
you this much,” Matthew began.
    “Are you sure
you’re able to divulge anything?”
    “Whatever is
going on here, I think it has something to do with what happened here more than
twenty years ago.”
    “Is that what
Jake said?”
    “No, that’s my
gut talking.”
    Amy paused,
pushing up her glasses. Matthew knew she trusted him, and he admired her
knowledge of the rich heritage of Christian history, including the darker side.
    “Matthew, what
are you trying to say?” Although he knew Amy was well aware of what he was
thinking, she was forcing him to say it out loud.
    “I believe the
demon has returned.”
    “And you need my
    “If you are
willing to provide it, yes,” Matthew said.
    “You once told
me that the first thing you do if you suspect demonic activity is to try to
disprove it. How do we go about doing that?”
    “We go to the
Brickton Estate.”
    “I knew you were
going to say that,” Amy said with a nervous smile. “And what do we take with
    “We take our
knowledge of the supernatural, my rosary, and our God.”
    “And what will
we be looking for exactly?” Amy asked.
    “Anything that
might point to unholy practices and presences.”
    “For example?”
    Matthew sighed.
“The house itself is a good place to start.”
    * * * * * *
    Dr. David Styles
led the stretcher into the county morgue. The morgue was on the lower level of
Crimson Falls’ modest hospital. It had its own back entrance, guarded by an
electric gate. The only way into the morgue from the hospital was through a
special elevator accessed by a special key. David liked having his own special
domain where he could work without being interrupted.
    Although he
would never openly admit it to anyone, even to himself, he was thrilled to have
the opportunity to study a corpse that had been murdered. He hadn’t
investigated a violent crime since the mock training he received at Harvard. He
tried to hide his jubilation though because he did feel somewhat sorry for
Acorn Alan.
    “Here, put him
on this table,” David instructed the three EMTs.
    “On three, let’s
lift him,” said Jason Styles, David’s only son. “One, two, three.” Together
they moved the body onto the cold, metal slab.
    “Dad, do you
need me to stick around?” Jason asked.
    “Yes, I think
you might learn something here.” David wanted Jason to take over after he
retired, keeping the business in the family. Aside from being the local
coroner, he also ran the only mortuary within twenty miles. David looked to the
remaining public servants in the room. “If you’ll please excuse us.”
    Aaron was the
first to

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