Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1)

Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1) by Lee Cooper Read Free Book Online

Book: Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1) by Lee Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Cooper
welcome any time to come train.”
      The mood in the gym changed, everyone making their way out. Roy now on his feet and getting his bearings. Once out of the ring, he idled over and shook my hand.
      “That was some blow, never saw it coming.” His voice had a deep crackle and his mood was OK, given what had just happened, he didn’t seem pissed off at all, just embarrassed. If anything, he was showing respect.
      “Nor me Roy. You alright?” I asked, trying to be polite, but I couldn’t give a fuck.
      “Aye, am grand. Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t cure.” He came across as a heavy-hitting stubborn tough-guy in the ring but now, he knew his place. I watched him coast his way toward the changing-room.
      Tim was having a bit of a tidy up around the ring, trying to pair the gloves that sat loose on the sweat layered floor.
      “Hey Tim, how am I getting home?”
      “Well, it’s not going to be Roy, as planned. I’ll give you both a lift.”
      This was going to be a little awkward, sharing a lift with the guy who had just seriously collided with my fist.
      Keen to get going, I waited in the car for them and reflected on the nights’ events. As we left, I felt completely exhausted and didn’t have the energy to speak. I slumped back in the passenger’s seat and wondered if Roy should be taken to A&E, although I suspected hospital wasn’t a top priority for boxers around this gym.
      Knocking that bully out was something I was proud of and would repeat in an instant, given the chance. It felt as if I had just achieved something for the first time in years. It was safe to say I’d definitely be returning to Kilgours, super-keen on getting fit and losing some unwanted pounds from being a couch potato. That was the goal I set myself at the time, but there was a bigger goal on the horizon, one I couldn’t predict.
      Mike and Bull were last to leave, locking the shutters and the doors. Heavily paranoid at the thought of young rogues panning the windows and door in. Who wouldn't? Being situated in Tilly.
      Before I knew it, Tim was nudging me awake. I was woozy and a tad confused. Roy had already gone.
      “Cheers for the lift, mate. You fancy picking me up on Thursday?”
      “Aye sure, lad. I’ll pick you up, same time. You take care now.”
      “Sound. See you then.” Tim gave the thumbs-up.
      Getting in the door, I headed straight to the kitchen, needing some sustenance. Finding May sitting at the kitchen table, hand on her forehead with her hair ruffled up, trying to balance the books, figuring out which bill needed paid first.
      She immediately noticed the small black-eye Roy left me with, hardly noticeable to me. Looking me straight in the eye, eyebrows raised with disappointment.
      “Well, well, it’s just like the old days, eh? Joe Rhodes. Walking about with black eyes?” Referring to my previous name, when I did stroll around with coloured eyes
      “Ach, I would hardly call it a black-eye, May. Anyway, you should be glad it’s not my nose that’s broken.” I tried to make light of the conversation.
      “Don’t be coming home with them all the time. The kids don’t need to see that on a regular basis. Joseph.” Her voice firm.
      “I know what you’re saying. Not the kind of thing I want ‘em to see, either.”
    A big sigh “I’m off upstairs for an early night. My head’s mince, looking at all these bills.”
      “OK babe. Night.”
      She slipped out the door, not willing to take me on. I didn’t know if it was the bills lying on the table, or my black-eye that pissed her off. Sinking into the sofa, eating some leftover dinner, I felt content that I’d achieved something with my fists tonight. I was back!

Chapter 10
    Good Feeling:
      I got a warm, fuzzy feeling about myself over the next couple weeks, something I’d been missing for the past seven months. The extra spring in my step gave me some welcome relief from the

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