nudged me. He nudged me hard enough to knock me over, then he
took off running through the woods. I scrambled to my feet, and looked around.
I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t know what to do. I hurried in the direction
he ran, but I couldn’t find him. I hesitated and looked around trying to decide
what to do next. I couldn’t see him, or hear him. I was starting to get angry.
I knew he was nearby, I just didn’t know how to find him. I had to think like a
wolf would. Suddenly I remembered that I had more than just my sight and
hearing. I could attempt to smell him. I closed my eyes and focused. I caught a
whiff of his scent. I focused on his scent and started walking in the direction
the scent was coming from. I was suddenly knocked to the ground. I tried to
scramble to my feet, but Drake had me pinned. He was looking down at me. He was
having fun torturing me. I was so focused on one sense that I didn’t use the
others, and because of that he was able to sneak up on me. He finally let me up,
and he went running off again. I was back to trying to track him. This time I
was also paying attention so he couldn’t pin me again. I was going to get good
at being a werewolf no matter how hard it was going to be.

several hours of unsuccessful attempts hunting Drake, I gave up. He ran off
again, and instead of chasing after him I just sat down. I wasn’t going to play
his game anymore. He was making me feel like an idiot. I couldn’t do anything in
wolf form. I was stumbling, and uncoordinated. I couldn’t focus enough to find
him before he pounced me. It was much easier transitioning into a vampire, then
a werewolf.
came out of the woods after a few minutes. He knew I was getting annoyed with
him. He still had that playful, amused look. I did my best to scowl, but it was
impossible for me to tell what I was doing. It was going to take a long time
for me to get used to being a werewolf. I was hoping I had better luck in human
nuzzled me with his nose and sat down next to me. I was officially in a bad
mood, but he was trying to make me feel better. I could see the first light of
dawn on the horizon. I knew I could change back into a human when I wanted to,
I just wasn’t sure how to do it.
changed back into his human form. “All you have to do is think about being a
human. You just have to want it, and you will turn back.”
thought about being a human again. I felt my bones start to shift back into
their original place. It was painful, but it wasn’t as painful as the original
shift was. I laid in the soft grass panting. I felt weak and tired after
shifting, and running around all night.
wasn’t so bad was it?” Drake asked as he laid next to me.
scowled. “I am terrible at it.”
laughed. “Did you expected to be good at it so quickly? You are supposed to be
terrible. It is all new to you. I would think there was something wrong if you
weren’t terrible at it,” he said amused.
sighed as I sat up. “I want to be good at it.”
practice,” he whispered then stood. He walked back toward the trees. “You
coming? I figured we would go get our clothes, and go back to the house.”
nodded and climbed to my feet. I followed him through the trees to the first
clearing we had been in. I slipped my dress back on while he put his pants on.
suppose you are going to go try to find who cursed Cornelius now,” he said
nodded. “The sooner I find out the better he will be. You haven’t seen how much
he has changed,” I said softly.
on, let’s go eat,” he said and started walking back toward the house.

we ate breakfast, Drake disappeared. I wasn’t entirely sure where he was
disappearing to. He seemed like he was in a bad mood, but I didn’t ask him if
he was or not. I just left him alone to brood. I was tired, so I went upstairs to
sleep until the sun went down.
walked into my room and hesitated when I saw

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