Cyrosphere: Hidden Lives

Cyrosphere: Hidden Lives by Deandre Dean, Calvin King Rivers Read Free Book Online

Book: Cyrosphere: Hidden Lives by Deandre Dean, Calvin King Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deandre Dean, Calvin King Rivers
sat to read.
    Ginger asked, “Aren’t you bored”?
    Diego respond, “Never bored in your presence“.
    He smiled as she couldn’t stop from grinning and sipped her tea.
    Once she was done with her tea , she grabbed some yoga pants and a tank top to get dressed. Things never seemed black and white with him but one thing was for certain she always felt better in his company. After chewing the last bite of her bagel and gulping down the rest of her tea and she was ready to go.
    He was waiting for her and she smiled.
    Ginger asks, “What are you staring at”.
    Diego responds, “A gorgeous, amazing woman that takes my heart into overdrive”.
    Ginger laughs and says, “Is that all”?
    Ginger leaned in and kisses him. He follows her out the room they shared to the dinning hall. Where to begin kept coming through her mind but one thing was certain, these people were her allies and she needed their help. If someone had easily killed her parents, would they know who? Somehow she didn’t feel comfortable contacting Aaron Darkholme. He was nice enough but there had to be a legitimate reason her parents hadn’t involved him in all these years. 
    After voicing her concerns Diego had to see her logic and suggest she talk to Lucy again seeing as she had Intel. From one indigo to another who know knows what kind of leads she had. That was the only plan they had come up with so she agreed and they reached downstairs. In the light of day Ginger took in the dining room and it was the size of a football field with three long tables all filled with food like a buffet. 
    She had the bagel and usually didn’t have a huge appetite but the smells were overpowering her. Within five minutes she had a small feast infront of her of grits, fruit, pancakes, eggs, toast, bacon and some were bread she never heard of. She sat and ate the delicious smelling food never feeling so energized in her life once finished. Diego had a small plate of meats but his smile was enough to reassure her he was filled and happy.
    Lucy was easy to find in the center of a group of uniform men all laughing at a joke she told. She was sipping coffee, laughing and seemed engaged in a story being told. Ginger sat eating taking in the sight. Lucy was definitely the center of attention. Blond and bubbly is how Ginger saw her. Once she finished talking to all the men who were asking her out Lucy came and sat down with them.
     Not a bad way to start one’s day but sadly she turned them all down. A shame if Ginger wasn’t here with Diego she might have made a few new friends or had a lineup of dates for the next month. The men here was as handsome as the ones back home. Lucy smiled once again; Ginger forgot to put up her mental barriers. This was embarrassing well now she had first-hand experience what it was like for another to evade one’s privacy. Her powers didn’t always worked the way she wanted them to.
    Lucy says, “It takes some getting use to”.
    Ginger responds, “What if I don’t want to have my private thoughts invaded”?
    Lucy smiles and asks, “Well you can learn to block them”.
    Ginger answers, “Guess I know what I am doing today. Up for it”?
    Lucy responds, “You betcha”.
    Lucy excused herself gesturing for Ginger to join her. Ginger kissed Diego goodbye before the two walked out the large room to a private office that had pictures of Lucy on all the walls. This was her office; it was decorated in purple and gold and suited her personality. The door had been unlocked by a key from keys hanging from Lucy’s belt. She had a few keys, the bright and welcoming sofa allowed Ginger to sit across from here. Once face to face the obvious thing to do was to ask her questions but that seemed foolish in the presence in one wiser than herself.
    Ginger asks, “What do you know”?
    Lucy answers, “A lot. You have to be more specific kiddo”.
    Ginger sighs. Lucy placed her hand palm up out to

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