Deadman's Switch & Sunder the Hollow Ones
crawls beneath Kelly while Reggie reaches over him. Kelly slips out the side. Nurse Mabel’s first moans are barely audible through the door, but they’re definitely growing louder, more frantic. She starts scratching. The door pops open an inch and just as quickly slams shut again.
    â€œHow the hell can she be so strong!” Reggie shouts.
    The door slams again, even harder this time.
    â€œChrist! She’s going to fucking break it!”
    â€œHurry up, Kelly!” I scream.
    â€œI’m trying. Shit! I can’t see where the starter is. Who’s got the flashlight?”
    â€œI do,” Reggie shouts back. “Hold on a sec.”
    â€œNo! Don’t you let go!”
    Kelly comes running back. “Where is it?”
    â€œBack poc— oof! Shit, she’s like a god damn battering ram! Back pocket, Kelly!”
    Kelly runs off again. I turn to switch shoulders on the door and see Ashley standing helplessly off to the side. “Go find something to defend ourselves with!”
    â€œThere’s a machete in my pack,” I hear Kelly shout.
    Jake rips the pistol from my waistband. “Just shoot her through the fucking door!”
    â€œGive me that back! We can’t waste the bullets.”
    â€œScrew that, Jessie. We need to save ourselves!”
    Ashley runs over with the machete in her hand. It’s from Jake’s uncle’s army surplus store. Kelly must’ve brought it with him when he came the second time.
    â€œJust hold onto it, babe,” Reggie says, grunting. “Let’s see if Kelly can get the generator going again.”
    â€œWho’s watching the others?” I say. “Ashley? Who’s watching Stephen?”
    â€œShit!” She spins around and runs off again.
    â€œLeave the machete!”
    Mabel’s moans growl louder. She doubles her efforts, clawing and hurtling herself against the door, which bangs and rattles in its frame, threatening to come off its hinges.
    â€œHurry up, Kelly!”
    â€œHe’s gone,” Ash shouts.
    â€œKelly’s gone?”
    â€œNo, Stephen’s gone. Oh, god, it’s my fault! I was supposed to watch him!”
    â€œNever mind that, Ash. Get back here with that machete!”
    â€œScrew that,” Jake shouts. “I’m using the gun!” He pushes away from the door and moves back. “Get out of the way.”
    â€œGet back here, Jake!” I scream.
    Mabel slams through the door just as the generator starts. I get a glimpse of the horror inside as I’m flung to the floor. Mabel grabs Reggie’s arm. She’s amazingly fast. Reggie screams and pulls back. The door slams shut, but not before she comes through and locks us out here with something much worse than anything we’d encountered in Long Island City.
    She opens her mouth and seems to smile as she bends down to bite Reggie in the face.

Chapter 8

    There’s a flash and a loud explosion. A puff of red bursts from Mabel’s back and half of her shirt disintegrates. She rocks backward, but the impact of the bullet and the damage it does to her body don’t slow her down at all.
    Reggie backpedals as fast as he can. Mabel doesn’t let go of his wrist, so he ends up dragging her along with him.
    There’s a second blast from the gun. I feel the bullet whiz past my head. This one completely misses her and explodes into the wall.
    â€œShop shooting!”
    â€œGet her off of me!” Reggie screams, swinging her around. “Help me!”
    Jake fires a third time. This time Mabel jolts before collapsing onto her side. Half of her thigh is missing. Incredibly, she’s still holding on to Reggie. Now she’s getting back up again.
    â€œJake! Stop shooting,” I scream. “You’re going to hit one of us!”
    He lifts the pistol again and takes aim.
    There’s a flash, and a silver arc appears between Mabel and Reggie, seeming to split the

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