Death of a Waterfall (The Hayden Falls Saga)

Death of a Waterfall (The Hayden Falls Saga) by Kara Leigh Miller Read Free Book Online

Book: Death of a Waterfall (The Hayden Falls Saga) by Kara Leigh Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Leigh Miller
Tags: Romance
irritated as she felt. Clearing her throat, she tried to focus. It was useless. Damn her brother!
    Trevor entered the cave. He looked back and forth between her and Donnie with a smirk on his face. "What's going on back here?"
    "Nothing. I was just showing Donnie around."
    "Sure you were." His voice was dripping with skepticism.
    She walked to her brother and stood inches from his face. "I swear to God if you tell Alex about this, I'll tell Dad you're planning on dropping out of school," she hissed into his ear.
    "Tell Alex about what? There isn't anything going on, remember?" Trevor winked at Teghan.
    "What do you want?"
    "You're the only sober one here. Go to the store and get some snacks, would ya?"
    "You're also the one with Dad's credit card."
    "Fine, I'll go in a few minutes."
    "Thanks, Teegy." He turned and walked out of the cave.
    Teghan blew out a breath. Her heart was still racing and her hands were shaking. "I guess we should get back to the party."
    Donnie walked next to her, standing so close she could feel his heart beating. "Not yet," he said, firmly planting his left hand on her hip while the fingers of his right hand bunched in her hair, gripping her head and bringing her lips to him. His tongue parted her lips, slowly grazing over her tongue like a lazy river before adjusting the angle and deepening the kiss with a firm, hungry stroke of his tongue.
    Teghan snaked her hands over his hard biceps, down his whipcord-lean stomach, and around his waist. His body felt like heaven beneath her fingers. She hugged him closer to her--close enough so she could feel the length of his erection pressing against her cotton sundress. A tiny mewl of pleasure tore from her throat when his lips left hers and trailed icy hot kisses across her jaw and down her neck. She put her head back to allow him greater access, only to feel him drag his mouth up her tingling flesh until he found her lips again. His tongue dipped inside her mouth, caressing her tongue with diabolically slow, shallow strokes. "Donnie," she whispered against his lips, not wanting the pleasure to end but knowing it had to.
    He cupped her face in his hands giving her bottom lip a light kiss before tracing her mouth with his thumb. A gentle smile touched his lips.
    Her mind clouded. "We can't, I mean, we shouldn't. Alex will..."
    Donnie's forehead dropped to hers. "I know," he whispered.
    Oh, to hell with Alex! Teghan clutched his face in her hands, stood on her tiptoes and slanted her mouth over his. Stop it, Teghan! She started to pull away until Donnie locked his arms around her back and held her close, kissing her with a hungry recklessness. She arched into him, losing herself in his embrace. His kiss stole her ability to think. She couldn't be trusted to remember her own name.
    Donnie dropped his hands to her lower back and squeezed her body against him. "Teghan," he breathed.
    She forced herself to release his lips and push him away. Teghan stared at him, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. His lips were red and swollen from her kisses, tempting her, daring her to take more. God, how she wanted to. But she couldn't. Instead, she inched her way toward the entrance and said, "This can't happen again."
    ~ * ~
    Teghan arrived back at the party, her arms filled with snacks. She was still reeling from her kiss with Donnie. As soon as she stepped through the sliding glass doors, she was mauled by her brother and their friends.
    "Thanks, Teegy," Trevor said.
    "Anything for you, Trev, Trev," she said. "I stopped at Pappy's and ordered a sheet pizza. It should be here within a half hour."
    "Woo hoo!" Alex shouted before finishing his beer and sitting at the patio table.
    Teghan took a seat next to Annabelle. Her gaze wandered toward Alex and Beth. In the short amount of time she'd been at the actual party and not in the cave with Donnie or getting food, she'd noticed they hadn't strayed too far from each other. It shouldn't bother her, but it

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