Death on the Riviera

Death on the Riviera by John Bude Read Free Book Online

Book: Death on the Riviera by John Bude Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Bude
remember you telling me that you had a villa at Menton and that after the War you intended to give up Larkhill and live permanently on the Riviera. You kindly suggested that if ever I came that way I should look you up. Well, I’ve just taken the chance to slip down here for a short holiday. I’m staying at the Bandol. So if your offer still holds good perhaps you could give me a ring and let me know if and when it’s convenient for me to come along.
    I look forward to seeing you again after all these years.
    Yours sincerely,
    Bill Dillon.
    P.S.—I was the fair-haired, rather hefty three pipper who once had the misfortune to spill a glass of sherry down your dress.
    The following morning, during breakfast on the sun-dappled terrace, Nesta announced:
    â€œI’m having a young man along to dinner this evening. I want you all to be here. Such a nice boy. I met him at Larkhill during the War.” She jerked a glance at Miss Pilligrew who, indulging a little weakness of hers, was furtively nibbling a lump of sugar. “You must impress on cook to make a special effort. Understand, Pilly?”
    â€œYes, dear.”
    â€œI suggest soupe au pistou followed by ratatouille. ”
    â€œYes, dear.”
    â€œNot that it matters to me, of course.” Nesta gave a hollow laugh. “I shall merely sit and watch other people enjoying the fruits of my hospitality. Mon Dieu! What a life. It is a life, isn’t it, Pilly?”
    â€œOh definitely, dear.”
    â€œThen we might have, say… estocaficada. And for sweet—”
    Miss Pilligrew suggested timorously:
    â€œWhat about tourta de Blea, dear?”
    â€œDon’t be stupid! You’re so unhelpful, Pilly. I had in mind robina fritters and—”
    â€œOh for crying aloud!” broke in Tony with a surly look. “Why all this fuss? Is it somebody we’re supposed to impress?”
    â€œDon’t be hateful, Tony. Of course it isn’t. But he wrote such a charming letter and the least—”
    â€œDo I know the fellow?”
    â€œNo, darling, I don’t think so. His name’s Mellon or Dillon or something of the kind.”
    â€œDillon!” exclaimed Kitty, suddenly flushing beneath her tan.
    â€œYes—Captain Bill Dillon.” Nesta sighed. “Such a handsome creature, with one of those nice bristly moustaches that—”
    â€œBill Dillon!” gasped Kitty. “But…but—”
    â€œDon’t tell me you know him!” cried Nesta, a shadow of disappointment passing over her heavily handsome features.
    â€œNo, of course I don’t. But…but I once knew a Bill Dorman and it sort of struck a chord. You see how I mean, Mrs. Hedderwick? Dillon. Dorman. They’re something alike and…for the moment…” With a little titter, Kitty swung on Tony. “Got a cigarette, Tony? Oh, thanks. Well, if you’ll excuse me…I’ve got some letters to write. See you later, Tony.”
    A brief silence followed Kitty’s hurried exit into the house. Nesta exchanged a meaning glance with everybody in turn and observed tartly:
    â€œHow very odd. She seemed quite upset. An unbalanced, neurotic type. She ought to see a psychiatrist. Don’t you agree, Tony?”
    â€œNo, I don’t!” said Tony shortly. “Kitty’s had a tough time, poor kid.” He gulped down the remainder of his coffee and got up abruptly. “Well, I’ll be seeing you…I’ve got a job to do on the Vedette. I’ll be out to lunch. Kitty and I are driving over to Monaco.”
    And with a brisk nod he stalked off through the garden to the garage-yard.

Chapter V
    Ominous Meeting
    Caught up in the useless existence prescribed for her by her aunt, Dilys was bored. Her encounter the previous day with the young man at the exhibition had suddenly forced her to see with devastating clarity the emptiness of her life. For a few hours she’d

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