
Defector by Susanne Winnacker Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Defector by Susanne Winnacker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susanne Winnacker
ignoring Holly and Major completely. He could probably feel my anger, and for once I almost welcomed it.
    Major’s gaze darted between Alec and me, and his frown threatened to swallow his eyes. “I’m sorry, did something occur that I should be aware of?”
    The question leaked some of the tension from my body. So he didn’t know.
    “No, sir,” Alec and I said at the same time. Major’s frown and the lines around his mouth deepened as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. I’d faced that look too often to be intimidated by it. Realizing it, he stared down at a file lying opened on his desk. Holly relaxed visibly in her chair.
    “So why did you want to see us, sir?” Alec asked, his voice all business. I wished I had his talent to switch off my emotions. I bet his Variation factored into that. Outside the picture window, it had started hailing, and the icy stones lashed angrily against the glass.
    “I have a new mission for the three of you,” Major said, shuffling a few pieces of paper around.
    “So soon?” I blurted. It had been only a few weeks since I’d returned from my first mission in Livingston. There were classes to complete before I was sent out into the field again. And my previous mission still haunted my dreams.
    “I thought we’d agreed to keep Tessa in headquarters for a while until we’ve determined if Abel’s Army will target her,” Alec said disapprovingly.
    Why did he make it sound as if I was the only target? The clunk-clunk of hail hitting the window filled the awkward silence of the room. Holly watched the scene with wide eyes. This would be her very first mission. I scratched my shoes over the gray tiled floor, unsure what to make of Alec’s strange reaction.
    Major’s lips thinned as he folded his fingers on the desk in front of him. “It’s not my decision, sadly. A politician has been getting death threats, and one of his bodyguards was seriously injured during a recent attack. Secret Service is convinced that we’re dealing with Variants. Apparently the government may have done some bargaining with shady individuals. Now this is mob business, and Abel’s Army might be doing some of their dirty work for cash.”
    “If Abel’s Army is responsible, Tessa can’t be involved in the case. It’s too dangerous,” Alec said urgently.
    “What would our mission entail?” I asked, tired of everyone discussing my safety as if I wasn’t there.
    Major’s lips turned up into the semblance of a smile. “Our main job is to catch the people responsible for the death threats and the attacks.” He turned his attention to me. “But in order to do that and keep the politician safe, certain people think you should impersonate him.”
    “Who is he?”
    “Senator Jack Pollard,” Major said. I didn’t know him, but a senator? “He was with the FEA a while back, then he turned politician and started working for the State Department. He tried to establish a cooperation between our government and foreign organizations that were similar to the FEA.”
    “There are Variant agencies in other countries?” I asked. Somehow it had never occurred to me that there might be Variants around the world, not connected to the FEA.
    “Yes,” Major said. “So far his cooperation efforts haven’t worked out though. Not that we’ve been revealing anything about the FEA to other countries, so why would they?” He paused. “Anyway, now he ensures that the FEA prison abides official regulations, though he’s never actually set foot inside.” It didn’t take much to hear the contempt in Major’s voice. “Mainly he’s an advisor for the government on matters of organized crime.”
    “So he’s fully aware of the involvement of Abel’s Army with the mob and other crime organizations?” Holly guessed.
    “Indeed,” Major said. “His affiliation with them is likely the reason for his becoming a target.”
    “How long would I need to pretend to be him?” I couldn’t imagine living someone

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