Devil's Touch

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Book: Devil's Touch by Tina Lindegaard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Lindegaard
their hands before going into the house.
    Evy runs her fingers through her hair, carefully checking it in the mirror before putting down the envelope and closing her robe.
    When Nathan is back in the living room, he’s holding a cup of coffee. He has changed his clothes, and the aspirins have clearly started working. He picks up his phone from the small table next to the chair, brushing the whisky bottle in the process and almost tipping it over.
    A feeling of guilt washes over him, and he stares at the chair he had just been sitting in. ”Denize would have been furious about this.” He straightens himself.
    "OK, let’s start the day."
    He brings the phone over to the open garden door and breathes deeply while looking out at the park, ”exactly like any other day, if only I didn’t have such a headache.” He laughs. ”Maybe that’s my punishment.” He looks up at the clear autumn sky, then he looks down at the phone, checking the text message. He doesn’t recognize the number and checks his phone log from the day before.
    "Oh, good."
    The number from the text is the last number he called the day before. He smiles and crosses the hall while reading and enters his office. Passing Petra, he holds out his cup.
    ”Will you please fill this?”
    Petra takes his cup. Nathan doesn’t look up from the phone. When he reaches the door, he stops and turns, looking at her sternly.
    "Did you make the call?"
    Petra nods.
    "How long was the case postponed?"
    "Till next week. You have to be in court in exactly one week."
    "Thank you."
    He turns but stops the movement and looks at her again.
    "Remember to put it in the calendar."
    Petra can’t hide her surprise.
    "I always do that."
    Nathan looks at her a little, then he nods and walks through the door.
    "Of course you do. Don’t forget my coffee."
    He sits down at his desk and dials the number from the previous day.
    "Is that Marc Jones? Nathan Wilkins here. About the text message, can you come to my office today?"
    Nathan’s voice suggests that saying no is not an option. Petra puts the full coffee cup in front of him. Nathan nods at the case that should have been to trial this morning. Petra stops.
    "Marc, I need you to call my secretary about a case. I’m sure there’s a witness that hasn’t been found yet. I need you to find this witness for me."
    "Just call the main number. My secretary will give you more details.
    Petra leaves the office, shaking her head.
    "And Marc. The case you texted me about…I ask you to keep that between you and me. I’m surprised to hear that you have been working with it before. When can we meet?"
    Nathan swallows.
    "As soon as possible."
    Nathan listens intensely while looking at today’s calendar.
    "Today is fine and the time is fine too."
    Nathan breaks off and stares into space with empty eyes.
    He leans forward and picks up the coffee cup.
    Slowly, he gets up and walks over to the window. He starts when the rays of the autumn sun reach him and his headache. He blinks a little before moving into the shade from the curtains. From afar, he hears the phone ringing in Petra’s office.
    "Well, maybe there was a reason Stuart recommended him to me after all."
    He hears Petra saying goodbye and then getting up. He follows the sounds of her movements, and, when there is silence, he knows that she is crossing the thick carpet.
    He smiles, her timing is always the same.
    "I have talked to the investigator about the case that should have been to trial today. But Nathan..."
    With a quick movement, that surprises Petra, he is suddenly standing face to face with her. She sighs as she struggles to fight the increasing anxiety this cases makes her feel.
    "He has a witness for us. But how can he have that already?"
    "What do you mean?"
    Petra’s eyes get a little bigger, and Nathan cocks his head. He thinks it suits her - she somehow seems more intelligent.
    "Relax, Petra.

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