
Devour by Andrea Heltsley Read Free Book Online

Book: Devour by Andrea Heltsley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Heltsley
is so old when she looks so young. To most, she could pass as my sister if they didn’t know better.
    “You look amazing! I think this is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen you in, Mom,” I gush.
    “Why thank you , dear. Let’s get you ready now. We have to hurry. Your Dad is already downstairs in his study waiting. Let’s not keep him.”
    I begin to strip as my Mom pulls out my dress. It is a royal purple in clingy silk. The strapless dress shows off my porcelain skin and the back is done with a whole row of tiny, silk buttons. It’s elegant and I will look stunning in it.
    After slipping on my matching purple strappy heels, I take a deep breath. This is it. I’m finally ready for my coming out. It’s surreal. I can’t believe I’m actually nervous.
    There are tears forming in the corners of my mother’s eyes as I turn and she sees me. The silk settles on my curves and I look like a beauty with exotic purple eyes. I pull her into a quick hug. “Thanks Mom.”
    “I can’t believe my baby is growing up. You look like a goddess, Callie. The boys are going to be all over you tonight.”
    I grin at her. “Let’s go find me a mate.”
    I still feel guilty about the situation that shall not be named, but I have managed to push Chase from my mind long enough to get through the night. I made a promise to my parents and I intend to keep it. It’s funny how everything can change in the blink of an eye.
    The only one I have to worry about is Jane. She knows I don’t want a mate. I’m sure she is going to be really suspicious. I’ll have to tell her my parents convinced me to have a change of heart. It’s the only way she’ll even semi believe me.
    Grasping her hand lightly, I follow Mom down the stairs and into the foyer. Finn, the butler, leaves to retrieve my father. We’re finally ready. I only hope I can pull this off. My life and my family’s reputation depend on it.
    My Dad finally enters the room, looking large and imposing, as usual. He intimidates most people, but I know the real Milo and he’s a great father.
    “Well , aren’t you ladies a sight for sore eyes.”
    “Why thank you , Daddy. We’re ready when you are.” I grin.
    I t feels like a weight has lifted and I’m lighter than earlier. The tension is still there, but has lessened significantly. There is hope that I’ll find my mate tonight.

I t’s impossible not to fidget during the entire car ride. I’m nervous about tonight. I have to push thoughts of Chase from my mind and focus on finding a mate. If I can salvage this situation without my death, I’ll do it by any means necessary. Mom notices my nervousness and rests a hand on my leg.
    “Don’t be so anxious , honey. You’ll do great tonight. I have every bit of faith in you.”
    “T here’s just a lot at stake. I’m well aware of that and I want to make this family proud.”
    My Dad turns from the window and meets my eyes. “You’ll do fine. Just take this seriously and things will fall into place. We’ll find a way to take care of this situation .”
    Situation sounds like such a dirty word the way he says it. A day ago, all I wanted to do was ignore the vampire guys and focus on my future at college. It’s funny how just one mistake can change everything in the blink of an eye. Now, I’m desperately seeking a mate in hopes of saving my life.
    Maybe it could be Cody. He has so much to offer and any girl would be lucky to have him. He’s already a royal, so I wouldn’t have to worry about his intentions. Maybe. We’ll see what happens, but it’s good to know a girl has options.
    Still anxious, I catch Mom’s attention. “Do I look alright? How is my makeup? How does my hair look? Is this dress sexy enough to catch attention?”
    Suddenly things that didn’t matter before bec ome imperative.
    “Oh , sweetie, you look gorgeous. Purple looks so good on you and brings out the color of your violet eyes. The dress is a little too sexy, if you ask me,” she

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