Diary of a Resurrection (A Novella)

Diary of a Resurrection (A Novella) by Amanda Day Read Free Book Online

Book: Diary of a Resurrection (A Novella) by Amanda Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Day
    Artists are
such hard work.
    Never give
one hundred percent of yourself to someone, it gives them too much power.
    I can’t
imagine finding anyone better than Pan.
    I might as
well stick with what I’ve got.
someone in is painful because they will fuck you over in the end.
fucking bored of this.
    You’re a
very special person to me.
    Round and round they went until I thought I was going
insane. They popped up when I was in the bath, when I was cooking dinner,
mid-conversation with other people. They, like you, had no respect and just
showed up unannounced to hurt me over and over. It was during this time I was convinced
I would never feel better. The ache in my stomach would never subside and I would
never be free of you. I was worried that not only was I cracking up, but that I
would never be OK again. I was worried I would never think like a normal person
again or have thoughts that were not completely absorbed by you. I was afraid I
had lost me. I was the most unfocused I ever remember being. I couldn’t
concentrate on a single thing. My mum had to tell college and Pizza Planet that
I had glandular fever to buy me some time out of my life.
    In the past, when I have had troubles, I have always used art
to feel better. I have drawn and painted and sketched my way to a better place,
but this time I couldn’t do it. Even looking at my paints made me squint. It
hurt my mind to contemplate colour. I wanted to live in a soft cushioned world
of black and white with nothing to assault my senses because I just wasn’t
strong enough. I needed to be wrapped in pure white cotton wool and put in a
dark room for a while.
    In the really bad moments, and there were many, I would text
you. I missed you so much I could barely breathe. At its worst, all I wanted
was a single text from you. Just one word. Like a hit of heroin for a junkie, I
craved it with every cell in my body. I thought that if just one single text from
you beeped into my phone it would save me. It would release all the tension I
had inside and make everything better. Every ounce of pain I was going through
was your fault, but I was willing to overlook it because I just wanted you
back. I hated the void you had left in my life. I tried reaching out to you because
I wanted to hear your voice or read your words. I wanted to see a bold unread
text from you on my phone more than anything else. I checked it constantly,
obsessively even, worried that I might miss it beeping and in that moment miss
you. If you reached out to me, I didn’t want to miss it. I wouldn’t risk it. I
was almost glued to that phone. I sent you messages like, I miss you. I miss your voice. Are you OK? Are you
alive? Can we talk? This is killing me. I just want you, nothing else. Just
you. Please forgive me.
    It must have been obvious to you that I was suffering, but
all you gave me in return was silence. An empty phone can say so much, and be
really, really hurtful. I knew my messages to you must have sounded desperate,
and they were. I guess they must have added weight to your opinion that I was
needy, but I didn’t care. I just missed you so damn much I would have done
anything, literally anything, to have you back in my life and my phone. Beeping
in my pocket, laughing in my ear.
    But all I got was silence.
    I was so lonely I could almost feel your absence on my skin.

The First Rung Of The Ladder…
    I spent hours wondering why. It went
in yet another loop in my head: What. When. Why. I spent hours trying to figure
it all out. I wanted to pinpoint the exact moment it all went wrong to see if I
could have stopped it. Was it a look? A word? A kiss? Could I have made a
difference or was it really as simple as you just get bored easy, like you
said? I wish you had told me that at the start, it would have saved me an awful
lot of trouble.
    I also spent some time wondering why Pan? Why doesn’t she
get the silent treatment? Why aren’t you bored of her too? Then I

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