Echo Six: Black Ops 7 - Tibetan Fury
    "That's impossible, Lieutenant Rovere. This is directly linked to the White House, which means the President cannot be seen showing favoritism to his personal staff by using the US military. Politically, the repercussions could be, no, would be, dynamite. It has to be NATO. Of which the US is a major part, I would point out."
    He looked at Garrick. "You'd best tell them the rest."
    The CIA man nodded. "Two days ago, Chinese Ministry of State Security troops came to the monastery and arrested him. He was trying to leave at the time. They gave him a fast track trial and sentenced him to death for sedition. The sentence is due to be carried out in fifteen days, at 06.00. They transported him back to the MSS jail in Lhasa to await sentence. He'll be harshly treated, that's for sure. Torture, you name it. The execution will take place in the prison yard."
    There was silence for a few moments as they digested the appalling prospect of the American Buddhist monk, beaten, tortured, and then executed by the brutal regime that ruled Tibet.
    "You've left it late," Guy said suddenly, "China is a tough country for Westerners to operate in, for obvious reasons."
    "It shouldn't have happened." This time, it was Grace Ferraro who answered, "I was due to fly in and help get him out. We were to be disguised as husband and wife, tourists."
    "Lucky man."
    She looked irritated at Rovere's comment. "As I said, I was slated to enter Tibet and come out with Tenzin Davaika. That's Campbell's Tibetan name, by the way. "
    "What's yours," Rovere persisted, with a warm smile.
    "Tenzin Sangye. Tenzin is my family name. As I said, it was all arranged, until they attested Tenzin Davaika. We got the word from Tempa Rinpoche, a monk who keeps an eye on Davaika for us. On this occasion, it was too late to help him." She smiled, "But we can still save him, if we move fast."
    "And the President will express his gratitude," Garrick added. He was about to go on, but Brooks put a hand on his arm to stop him. "I think they get it, Ed."
    He nodded. "Yeah, okay."
    The Admiral stared around at them all, catching the eye of each man, making sure he had their attention. "That's it, in a nutshell. You'll go in, break him out of prison, and get him out of the country. He's being held in the high security prison just outside Lhasa, the capital. I'll go into the infil and exfil later, but first..."
    "She said we, Admiral," Talley said quietly. "What's with the 'we'?"
    "Miss Ferraro is going in with you, Commander. She's been fully briefed, and she's an experienced CIA operative. More important, she knows the people, the places, everything you'll need to make the mission a success."
    "In that case, she can spell it out now, and we'll handle it ourselves."
    "That's not the way it's going down," Brooks snapped, his expression icy.
    Guy had had enough. "Admiral, we've been kicked around from here to eternity, and what's behind most of our problems? Intelligence! We've just come back from a fiasco, courtesy of Air Force intel, and twice before we've run into a brick wall because of faulty intel. Give us the contacts inside Tibet, and we'll go in and do the job. I don't want any outsiders involved, no Air Force intelligence, no Central Intelligence. Just give us the names and the places, and we'll get it done."
    "You can't!"
    Talley stared at Grace Ferraro. The beautiful face was still serene, but the two words slammed out with the force of pistol bullets. Her expression was strange. Determined, fierce even. And there was a tinge of fear there.
    Why? What hasn't she told us?
    She appealed to Talley. "Commander, none of you speak Tibetan, you don't look Tibetan, and you don't know the country. The situation is complicated. It's next to impossible to know the people who you can trust, and the people you can't. "
    "What about this Tempa Rinpoche, is he some kind of an Agency spook?"
    She looked surprised. "Tempa a spook? Of course not, he's a Rinpoche, a very holy man.

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