Enslaved: A Kinky Adult Fairy Tale (Bedding the Bad Girl Book 3)

Enslaved: A Kinky Adult Fairy Tale (Bedding the Bad Girl Book 3) by Callie Wild Read Free Book Online

Book: Enslaved: A Kinky Adult Fairy Tale (Bedding the Bad Girl Book 3) by Callie Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Wild
Tags: sexy, steamy, Fairy Tale, alpha male, Erotic, hot romance, sleeping beauty
like a mean-spirited troll. Mother always said that a man who held your heart was a man who couldn’t be trusted. They were cruelest to those they cared for and even crueler to those who cared for them.
    Or maybe your spell is simply wearing off .
    For once, the voice in her head wasn’t one of the “others”, but her own inner muse. The herbs the healer at the castle had given her were even more effective than her tonics. She’d placed some under her tongue after lunch and hadn’t heard a whisper from the cast of characters usually gathered in her skull. She’d been wonderfully alone with her own thoughts.
    Too bad that those thoughts hadn’t been at all wonderful…
    What if Aaron’s abrupt change of attitude was magically related? She’d only heard good things spoken of the king and the way he had treated his family and courtiers at dinner had been above reproach. Even the more spiteful members of the court had been treated with tolerance and his dealings with her had been generous and caring. He had a sympathetic ear and had seemed shamelessly devoted to her comfort and pleasure.
    Right up until they’d finished making love in the grass, when he had pulled away and stared down at where she lay with a suspicious light in his eyes.
    Perhaps he suspects that the passion between you is tainted ?
    “Why didn’t I tell him last night? Why did I keep my suspicions to myself?” Calliope softly asked the heavens, though she already knew the answer.
    After the festive supper in his hall, he had walked her to the door of her chamber and kissed her so sweetly that she hadn’t wanted to speak a word that would influence him against her. She had convinced herself to wait until they freed Johann, justifying her silence with the belief that Aaron shouldn’t be distracted from the rescue by concern over his own possible enchantment.
    “You were thinking of yourself and selfishness is never rewarded, Calliope,” she chastised herself, urging her mount into a trot despite the raw state of her skin.
    Aaron had pulled ahead and it wouldn’t do to lose sight of him. She hadn’t been to the Beauvielle castle since she was a girl and could easily get lost on the rough road they followed. The narrow dirt path had already branched several times. But Aaron always seemed to know which branch to choose, as if he had memorized every inch of his country and could navigate its roadways blindfolded.
    Blindfolded …
    Hmm…there was a thought. The pull between was definitely strongest when they were gazing into each other’s eyes. Even during the ride, Aaron’s voice would gentle if he turned back to look at her before he spoke. Perhaps the best way to test the truth of their attraction was for Aaron to be unable to see her as they touched…
    The beginnings of a plan forming in her mind, Calliope urged her mount into a full canter, suddenly as eager as Aaron to arrive at their campsite for the night.
    The sooner they fed and watered the horses and had their own supper, the sooner she would be able to put her theory to the test.

    “Leave them. I’ll clean the dishes,” Aaron said in the same impatient tone he’d used with his travelling companion the entire afternoon. “Get ready for bed. Morning will come soon enough and I don’t want you delaying our departure.”
    “Of course, Sire. I live to serve you,” Calliope snapped, finally losing her temper, though he’d given her more than enough reason to lash into him several hours past.
    Aaron turned to watch her storm away toward the river, a smile tugging at his lips. No matter how foul it made him feel to treat her so horribly, some sick part of him enjoyed hearing his imperious tone mocked in her sweet, lilting voice.
    The smile faded as quickly, however, replaced by a more familiar wave of misery.
    He was making himself miserable treating Calliope this way, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. If he wasn’t actively trying to be difficult, he

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