
Relentless by Cheryl Douglas Read Free Book Online

Book: Relentless by Cheryl Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Douglas
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
“He’s not gonna give you any trouble. Don’t worry.” If he went after Jim, he’d have to go through her first.
    “Okay, whatever you say.” He flipped through his songbook, pointing out the songs he had intended to play before she honed in on his set. “Does that work for you?”
    “Sure, but do you mind if I squeeze in a couple of my favorites in, too?”
    He laughed. “Are you kidding? Once people find out you’re singing here, the place will be packed. My boss will have no choice but to give me a raise.”
    She reached over to kiss him on the cheek. She had a long way to go before her name and face were recognized outside of country music circles, but it gave her hope to think that people had faith in her talent. “You’re sweet to say so, thanks.”
    “So where’d you and Hercules meet?”
    Nikki laughed, as J.T. glared at them over the rim of his shot glass. “His brother is Ty McCall.”
    “No-freakin’-way,” Jim said, his jaw dropping. “He’s awesome. I love his music.”
    “Yeah, he’s great.” She shifted on the bench until she was facing him. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a country music fan.”
    He shrugged. “I love all music, but my old man was a country music fan long before country was cool, so I kinda grew up listening to it.”
    She smiled. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I was born in Nashville. Needless to say, country music’s always been cool there, but not so much in Florida, where I grew up.”
    He shifted, setting his forearm on the top of the piano. “When did you move back to Nashville?”
    “I moved in with my dad when I finished high school.” She rolled her eyes. “I just wanted to make music, but he wanted me to get a degree first. Guess who won that battle?”
    He pointed at her, grinning. “Your old man’s Luc Spencer, Titan Records, right?” He laughed when she nodded. “I’m gonna guess he won.”
    She shook her head, chuckling. “My daddy doesn’t know the meaning of the word compromise.”
    He smiled. “Sounds like you two are close though?”
    “We are now. It wasn’t always that way, but we’ve learned to give each other a wide berth. It seems to be working for us.”
    “My pops and I were close, too,” Jim said. “He passed away last year.” His mouth turned up at the corner. “Whoever said time heals was a liar.”
    She stroked his back, trying to comfort him. “I’m sorry; I can imagine how difficult that must have been for you.”
    He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Ah, you get through it. What other choice do you have, right?”
    She leaned her head on his shoulder. Her friends described her as touchy-feely. Physical contact was the most natural way for her to help ease someone’s pain. Gripping his knee, she said, “I wish I could offer you some words of wisdom, but I can’t.”
    “Shit,” he muttered, removing her hand from his leg. “Your boyfriend is on his way over here and he looks pissed.”
    Nikki squared her shoulders, ready to do battle. “I told you, he’s not my boyfriend.”
    “Yeah, well, I’m gonna let you work that out with him. Excuse me.” He got up and quickly walked in the opposite direction.
    J.T. leaned over the piano, glaring at her. “Okay, you made your point. Can we go upstairs and discuss our situation like reasonable people now?”
    She shrugged, feigning interest in the sheet music in front of her. “We have nothing left to discuss. I told you my terms, take it or leave it.”
    “Fine,” he said, clenching his teeth. “I’ll take it.”
    Nikki shot him a sidelong glance. He didn’t seem like the type of man who’d wave the white flag, even if he was battered and bloody. Why was he conceding now? “Are you sure about that?”
    He shrugged. “I want you; you want me. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Like you said, we’ll keep it simple. Sex, sex, and more sex.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “If you think you can handle it?”
    She crossed her legs as his words pierced her

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