the evil from one moves to the innocent female victim. In some cases inner healing may need to be done before the exorcism to heal old emotional wounds, and thus enable the client to forgive the offender, which may expel the demon. There are several areas that need to be assessed:
· Is the trauma still bothering the client to a large degree?
· Were there any emotional, psychological, or behavioral changes for the worst after the trauma? Here, you are looking for clues to which demon is involved by looking at the negative changes the client went through after the trauma (addictions, rage, self-mutilation, fear, depression).
· Do they have memory blocks for long periods of time? This would have to be over 2 years of memory after the age of 6. Most people cannot remember more than 20 seconds of their life before the age of 6. This is because language is not fully developed and building long memories requires an extensive vocabulary. This is why we tend to remember 1-2 second snapshots under age 6. If there are extensive memory blocks it can either mean that there is brain damage or there are painful memories that the client does not want to see. Repression is the concept in which the mind blocks painful memories because the client cannot face the pain of them (Freud, 1967). Repression helps in the short-term as it allows the client to move forward in reality. But, in the long-term, the person develops negative behaviors because the emotional pain is still trapped and leaks out into other areas of functioning. For example, a female client came in for counseling and feared the dark, was afraid of bushes and trees, hated men, and feared sudden movements. She stated that she couldn’t remember anything seriously bad happening to her but could not remember anything between the ages of 20-25. After working with her it was discovered that when she was coming home from work, she was attacked from behind by a man, hiding behind a bush, who then beat her and raped her. She didn’t remember the rape and assault but it still caused all sorts of fears inside her. If there are large memory gaps, counseling may be needed first before an exorcism.
God places a tremendous value on forgiveness and on us forgiving those that have wronged us. Jesus died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven…”Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins,’” (Matthew 26:27-28). Since God forgives us so much, all of the time, and gave His Son unto death so that we can be forgiven, we must then forgive others and value forgiveness in the same way. If we do not forgive others it serves as a foothold to let demons work in our lives…”’In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold,” (Ephesians 4:26-27).
When we refuse to forgive, anger festers, and gives birth to hate. When this process starts, evil sees an opening and moves in to make us bitter and possibly even violent. This is the complete opposite of the ways of God who seeks to bring more peace and healing. If we refuse to forgive others then God will refuse to forgive us…”For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins, ” (Matthew 6:14-15). If anger is attached to unforgiveness which attracts evil, and if we refuse to forgive others, we then become alienated from God, and then unforgiveness will isolate and open us up for demonic attacks.
A thorough history must be done to determine how much unforgiveness is there. If there is even a twinge of anger towards anyone it should be removed. For those that have been seriously wounded