Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series)

Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series) by Elisabeth Naughton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series) by Elisabeth Naughton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Naughton
bailed on her, I will find you. And I will hurt you. That’s a promise. If you know who I am, then you know I always keep my promises.”
    Hamilton turned and headed back down the street, disappearing into the darkness without another word. And alone, Jake looked back toward Marley’s hotel and wondered just what the hell he’d gotten himself into. He still had no idea what she was doing down here, but now more than ever he was determined to find out.

    Marley braced her hands on the edge of the sink in her hotel bathroom and hung her head, praying the throbbing against her skull would slow its relentless pounding. She couldn’t drink with Ronan. She’d been stupid to try to keep up. The man had a gut of steel. Which went right along with his heart of stone.
    Grinding her teeth against the pain, she finished getting ready, then headed downstairs. She just needed coffee and a little food. Then she’d be back to normal and ready to face Gray’s call.
    She drew a deep breath that did little to ease her queasy belly. Rubbing her temple as she turned the corner into the restaurant, she scanned the room for Ronan, then felt her stomach drop when her gaze landed on Jake.
    He was really here. She’d sorta hoped she’d dreamed that entire scene in the lobby last night. Unease rippled through her. Why hadn’t he just taken his plane and left as she’d told him to do?
    He sat at a table near the windows, one arm slung over the back of the chair beside him, his white button-down rolled up at the forearms, his face freshly shaved, not a hair out of place. Knowing she had no choice but to deal with the man this morning, she headed toward his table. And as she did, she had a memory flash from last night. One she hadn’t thought much about until right now. Of his shirt damp and sticking to his skin, one side untucked, his jaw covered in dark scruff, and his hair rumpled as if he’d run his hands through it again and again.
    She’d seen Jake frustrated before, but this had been different. As if he’d been stressed. As if he’d been flustered. As if whatever had been bothering him was personal.
    Not sure how to read his mood, Marley eyed him cautiously as she approached the table.
    “Morning,” he said with his ten-thousand-watt smile, the one he turned on a prospective client when he was about to seal a deal. He lifted his coffee cup to his lips. “Sleep well?”
    Something was different about him this morning. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Gone was the combative man who’d gotten right in her face last night. In fact, the nice, agreeable Jake—the one sitting in front of her now—was one she rarely saw at work.
    Hesitantly, she pulled a chair out opposite him and sat. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but she knew a gloating Jake Ryder was never a good thing.
    “I’d feel better if you’d stop shouting.”
    He grinned wider. “I’m not shouting. Too much Colombian beer last night?”
    Marley pressed her fingers against her temple. “It could have been that. Or the tequila. Or the guaro. Ronan knows how to drink a person under the table.”
    Jake’s irritating grin faded, and disapproval clouded his eyes. “Hm,” he muttered. “Guy should know a person’s limits.” He looked away and signaled the waiter before Marley could respond. “Uno café, por favor.”
    What was that look in his eyes? Was he jealous? No, she had to be misreading things. Jake Ryder was never jealous of anyone. The man had everything a person could possibly want. Property all over the world, a thriving security company, people at his beck and call, not to mention women falling for him wherever he went. He was powerful, wealthy, attractive, and built. And there was no way in any scenario he would ever be jealous of anything that had to do with her.
    The waiter rushed over with a cup and poured the bitter brew into Marley’s mug. Shaking off the hangover-induced thoughts, she reached for the cream and sugar. “What

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