Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series

Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series by Michelle Day Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series by Michelle Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Day
users when her
brothers’ were unleashed behind the wheel of a car.
    Michael entered the kitchen to find
insults flying between his children and although they were good natured, they
did nothing to lighten his mood. He watched as his wife ironed a shirt and his
children began to splash each other and make a general mess of his otherwise
pristine kitchen.
    “Will you stop that.” He bellowed to
ensuing silence.
    “We’re just mucking about.” The words were
out of Paul’s mouth before his brain had fully comprehended the expression on
his fathers’ face.
    “That’s all you ever do boy.” Michael
snarled, a part of him glad that it was Paul who had spoken up, giving him the
excuse he needed to tear a strip off the over confident little shit. “The only
reason you are as successful as you are is because you have an excellent
workforce to back you up. You are lazy and insolent. You think the world owes
you a living and you think you can make that living off of my hard work. How
dare you swan back into this family with delusions of grandeur and try and pull
your siblings down to your level. Everything is peaceful when you aren’t here
but within moments of you moving back in, the trouble starts and I have to
contend with your attitude and lack of commitment to the family business. You
need to buck your ideas up my boy; your imperious attitude simply will not be
    Paul lent back against the kitchen counter
and crossed is arms over his considerable chest. It hadn’t escaped his notice
that Tessa had stepped away from him and Matt had made to leave the kitchen but
some ghoulish need to see his brother duke it out with his father had prevented
him from actually leaving. Monica busied her hands by folding and re-folding
his shirt and he realised that she wouldn’t make the mistake of trying to jump
to his defence.
    “How my company, sorry, companies run are absolutely none of your business.” He began, “The fact that I pay my
way and I am not in any way a financial burden to this family should be the
things that really concern you but no, once again you have to try and pin all
the ills of the world on me. Everything that happens isn’t my fault and neither
do I have an attitude most of the time.” Paul pushed off from the side where he
lent and walked towards Michael. “Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps
you are the one with the attitude?” At his last words, he saw Matt’s jaw drop
shortly before he proceeded to make the cut throat signal with one hand while
gesturing towards the door with the other signalling that they planned to go
out that night and Paul was well on the way to getting grounded.
    Red in the face and shaking with rage,
Michael stepped closer to his son, bellowing “What did you just say to me?”
    “I said.” Paul stated calmly “That you are
the one with the attitude, not me. You hate the fact that regardless of what
you say to the world about me, people genuinely like me, that’s because I’m a
nice guy Dad, unlike you. You try to pin the blame for absolutely everything on
me and yeah, you know what? I’m not entirely blameless some of the time but I
cannot be held responsible for things that are out of my control. You pointed
the finger at me this morning when you saw we were late, you may have asked us
all the same question but you were looking at me, you made it blatantly obvious
that you thought I had made us late didn’t you?” Paul was slightly stunned that
Michael hadn’t taken a swing at him yet but as he stepped closer he became
fully aware of the reason.
    He towered over his father now and not
only was he taller; he was undeniably wider with more muscle bulk than the
older man had ever had. A look crossed Michael’s face that Paul hadn’t seen
before, not fear exactly but he appeared to be a little weary now that Paul had
invaded his space.
     Ignoring his son’s direct question,
Michael stayed on the attack, stepping even closer to the boy,

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