Adam Clayton, Jr., 179, 342, 395
Power Elite, The (Mills), 480–81
Pratt, John Lee, 595
Pratt, Joseph, 244
Pravda, 414
Price, Byron, 338
Price Control Act, 336
price controls, 216
price fixing, 241
prison reform, 84
Pritt, D. N., 517
Proclamation 2352, 335–36
Proclamation 2487, 336
production, 38
Progressive era, 162, 477
Progressive Party, U.S., 380
Prohibition, 149, 540, 578
property tests, 134
Prussian police, 98
Public Administrative Center, 93
Public Utility Holding Company Act, 162
Public Works Administration (PWA), 374
purge trials, Soviet, 77
racial mixing, 88, 141
racial violence, 39
in military, 218
racism, 7, 39, 42
see also segregation
Radcliffe, George, 259, 387
Radek, Karl, 517
Radin, Max, 514
Radio Free Asia, 480
Radio Free Europe, 480
railroad regulations, 146
railroads, 391
Ramsay, Robert, 208, 211, 566
Ramspeck, Robert, 149, 459
Randolph, A. Philip, 138, 186, 386
Rankin, John, 85, 143, 178, 180–81, 198, 201, 203, 204, 205, 209–10, 214–15, 221, 253, 256, 368, 397, 427, 449–50, 644
Ransley, Harry, 236
Ras Desta Demtu, Prince of Ethiopia, 67
rationing, 216
Rayburn, Sam, 256, 257, 304, 329, 434, 444, 466, 475
Reagan, Patrick, 236
Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act (RTAA; 1934), 162, 252, 261, 264
Hull Trade Agreements Act (1934), 393
Reconstruction, 15, 90, 128, 133, 137, 140, 141, 142, 148, 157, 167, 177, 190, 283
Reconstruction Act, German (1934), 528
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 307
Record, 143
Red Army, 59, 72, 82, 195, 357, 359
Red Cross, 68, 139–40, 220
Reece, Brazilla Carroll, 569
Reed, David, 12
Reichstag, 98, 108–9, 110–11, 113, 528
Remington Rand, 398
Report for 1942–National Resources Development, 378
Report on Economic Conditions of the South, 170–72, 548–49
Republican National Committee, 202, 214
Republican Party, U.S.:
African American votes for, 148
comeback in 1938 of, 151–52
Southern Democrat’s alliance with, 16, 193–94, 216, 329–30, 389, 478
Republic Steel, 173
Research and Development Board, 439
Retraining and Reemployment Administration, 368
Reuther, Walter, 424
Revenue Acts, 162, 345
Revolutionary Legality in the Contemporary Period, 81
Reynolds, Robert “Bob,” 14, 240, 285, 316, 538, 588
Rhee, Syngman, 468–69
Rhode Island, 212
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 356
rice, 127, 264, 266
Rice, Stuart A., 543
Richardson, Robert, 97
Richberg, Donald, 232, 233, 237
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 157, 282, 589
Riefenstahl, Leni, 73
Riesman, David, 42, 46
right-to-work laws, 394, 396
risk, 33, 48, 51, 232
Risley, John Shuckburgh, 99–100, 523
Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 374–75
Robertson, Donald, 627
Robinson, James Harvey, 104, 147
Robinson, Joseph, 163, 168, 266
Robinson, Samuel, 439
Rodgers, Daniel, 478
Rogers, Lindsay, 115–16
Romania, 105, 277
Rommel, Erwin, 214
Roos, Charles, 243
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 522
antilynching bill and, 167, 176
black rights supported by, 90, 167, 176
conscription defended by, 311
at luncheon for Balbo, 67
at NIRA parade, 228
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 48, 60, 71, 95, 348, 421, 423, 509
African American vote courted by, 178–79
antilynching bill and, 167, 168, 495
anti-Semitic slurs against, 57
arming of Britain and France promoted by, 302–4
Atlantic Charter issued by, 21
belligerants asked to avoid barbarism by, 351
broad powers desired by, 117–18, 121–23
call for collective mobilization by, 324–25
as coalition builder, 545
Cold War not foreseen by, 407
court-packing plan of, 151, 170, 178, 269
creation of NRA and, 228
“economic royalists” attacked by, 497
Economy Act desired by, 235
in election of 1932, 4, 85, 149, 150, 159, 249
in election of 1936, 265
in election of 1944, 217
federal government reorganized by, 93–94
FEPC created by, 218, 388
fireside chats of, 125, 195–96, 231, 236, 336–37
freedom valued by, 353–54
Hofstadter’s assessment of, 47
HUAC denounced by, 330
inauguration of, 5, 34–35,
Morten Storm, Paul Cruickshank, Tim Lister