Fighting Back

Fighting Back by Cathy MacPhail Read Free Book Online

Book: Fighting Back by Cathy MacPhail Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy MacPhail
few of her friends.
    I stopped dead. Nowhere to go. Tess was barring my way.
    ‘Well, hello,’ she said. ‘Fancy meeting you here.’
    I said nothing, looking around for an escape, but her friends were blocking me on every side.
    Tess was wearing a black leather jacket and big heavy boots. Not very attractive, but perfect if you had a little kicking in mind.
    I had a feeling that was exactly what she was thinking.
    ‘You’re late home from school. Your wee mother will be worried about you.’
    ‘My mother knows where I’ve been. I’ve got a late class today.’
    Tess began to prance about, much to the amusement of her friends.
    ‘Oh, a late class! Would this be embroidery … or maybe sewing … or maybe a wee ballet class?’
    Hilarious, I thought. Then she suddenly stopped laughing, and looked fierce again. ‘We had a visit from the cops. My ma’s not very happy about that.’
    I found my voice at last. ‘That’s not our fault.’
    ‘My ma was only trying to be friendly.’ She said it as if she honestly believed it. ‘So were my big brothers.’
    I should have agreed with her and apologized. So what did I do? I antagonized her even further!
    ‘Who are you trying to kid?’ I could hardly believe Iwas saying it. Neither could Tess Lafferty. ‘Your mother meant to frighten us. Well, you didn’t frighten my mum!’
    Tess smirked. ‘Yes, I believe she’s too stupid to be frightened!’
    ‘My mum isn’t stupid.’
    Tess began circling me, so I had to keep turning to keep my eyes on her.
    ‘I’ll tell you exactly what my ma says about your mother.’ The smile grew wider, became a horrible grin. ‘She’s a marshmallow, my ma says. A wee wimp of a woman, who can’t cope with anything. My ma says she could squash her like a fly.’ With that she snapped her fingers dramatically.
    ‘She’s giving you a bit of trouble now though, isn’t she?’
    ‘Not for long,’ Tess said with assurance, as if she knew something I didn’t.
    ‘Is this another threat?’
    Tess and her companions giggled. ‘Oh, are you going to run to the cops again now? We’re just two girls, same age, having an argument. Cops wouldn’t be interested.’
    At the mention of the police one of the girls called to Tess. ‘Let’s just get on with it, eh? Cops might turn up any second.’
    That sent a chill through me. Get on with what?
    Tess came closer. ‘You and me … a fair go … settle everything.’
    ‘You mean – fight?’ I asked. She was nodding already. ‘A fair fight? Does that mean your pals hold me down and you hit me?’
    She sneered her answer. ‘I don’t need anybody to hold you down. You’re a marshmallow, like your mother.’
    I dropped my bag. Looked round them. No one was going to call me a marshmallow.
    Tess shrugged her shoulders. ‘Give me room, girls,’ she said, and I could almost have laughed. She looked so stupid. ‘You see, Kerry Graham, I’m going to tell you something, and you better remember it.’ She paused, as if she wanted the words to sink deep into my memory. ‘You just don’t know what you’re up against when you tangle with me and my ma.’
    Tess and her mother. Yes, I could see Tess in twenty years’ time taking over from her mother, running the estate, loving the fact that everybody was frightened of her.
    Where would I be then? I had an awful feeling that after tonight I would be six feet under and pushing up dandelions.

Chapter Fifteen
    Tess’s friends stepped back, but I had a feeling they would jump in at the slightest nod from their boss. I stepped back too, and right away fell over my own bag!
    This sent them all into gales of laughter and that only made me feel worse. I tried to stand, but Tess was already over me, her foot lifted, ready to give me one almighty kick. I rolled back quickly out of her path. It was my bag that took the blow.
    As I tried to stand up, one of the others grabbed my jacket and held me down.
    ‘Fair fight!’ I shouted.
    Tess screamed at the

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