Gym Boys

Gym Boys by Shane Allison Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Gym Boys by Shane Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane Allison
Tags: Gym Boys
“You know what I think your problem is?”
    I looked at him. “No, sir.”
    â€œIt’s sexual tension, Rufus. Do you know what that means?” I shook my head. “Rufus,” Coach said. “Didn’t your Daddy ever tell you about sex?”
    Well, I just liked to die right there. I knew that by the way my face felt, it must’ve been redder than a damn fire engine. I shook my head, but couldn’t say nothin’.
    Coach smiled. “There’s no reason for you to be embarrassed, son. Sex is a natural, God-given gift. But it can cause problems too, especially for young men. Now I don’t mean any disrespect to your father, but he should have explained this all to you. If a young man can’t find some kind of release for his sexual tension, it can affect the quality of his athletic performance. Do you understand what I’m saying, Rufus?”
    I shook my head again. “Not really, Coach.”
    Coach sighed. “Well, it looks like I got no choice but to show you, Rufus. Lock the door.”
    I looked at him all surprised-like, but finally did as he said.
    Coach smiled. “You’re a good boy, Rufus. And believe it or not, I think you’ve got the makings of a damn fine athlete. But we just got to lick this sexual tension problem of yours. Now drop your pants.”
    Well, you could have hit me on the head with a two-by-four! “Wh-what, Coach?” I stammered.
    â€œI said drop your pants.” When I didn’t do nothin’, Coach made a face. “Rufus,” he said, his voice all exasperated. “I’ve seen you in the shower dozens of times. It’s not like you’re showing me anything new, you know. I just want to prove a point to you.” I still didn’t do nothin’. “Drop ’em, Rufus!” Coach barked, and I knew there was no arguing the matter. I pulled down my blue jeans. “The underpants too,” Coach said. I pulled them down to my ankles.
    Coach just leaned back in his chair and looked at me—or rather, at my dick. He was wearing the funniest look I ever saw on another man’s face. “Sweet Jesus in Heaven,” he said, all low-like. I didn’t have a Chinaman’s clue as to what he was thinkin’, but something in his look made my stomach flutter, like it did last summer on the Winotchka Bridge, when all the guys were daring me to jump off, and I was looking straight down into the water, trying to work up the nerve. To my embarrassment, I felt my dick start getting hard. I put my hands over it to hide this from Coach.
    â€œLeave your hands at your sides,” Coach said quietly.
    I did like he told me. My dick just kept on getting harder and harder. Soon it was sticking straight out. I snuck a quick peek down at it. Sure enough, it was just as red as I knew my face must be.
    Coach looked in my eyes now, all triumphant. “Do you see what I mean, Rufus?” he asked. “This proves my point exactly!”
    â€œNo, Coach. I can’t say that I do.”
    Coach got up and walked around the desk. He stood right in front of me. I was a good three inches taller than him, so he had to look up into my face. “Rufus,” he said. “You’ve got the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. Hell, it must be at least ten, maybe eleven inches long.” He reached down and grabbed it. “Look, I can hardly put my hand around it. With a cock like that, a man’s just got to be full of sexual tension. He can’t help but think of nothing but where to put this pecker. And look how easy it was for you to get hard. No wonder you can’t put your mind on your athletic performance!”
    Well, I just felt lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut hearing this. ’Cause I knew Coach was right. Even now, pert near all I could think of was how good Coach’s hand felt wrapped around my dick. And here Coach was just trying to prove a point. Coach was so

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