Gym Boys

Gym Boys by Shane Allison Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Gym Boys by Shane Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane Allison
Tags: Gym Boys
wrapped up in makin’ his point, though, that he must not have noticed that his hand was slowly stroking my dick up and down. But I sure knew it. And what’s worse, I didn’t want him to stop. “I’m sorry, Coach,” I said, all low and sad-like.
    Coach smiled. He reached up and squeezed my shoulder. He also squeezed my dick in the same friendly way. “Hell, Rufus,” he said. “It’s nothing to apologize for. Lots of young men suffer from sexual tension. Some of my most promising athletes. I see it as part of my job as a coach to help them through the problem.”
    I’ll be darned if my eyes didn’t start watering up when he said that. Coach was taking such an open-hearted concern in helping me through this “sexual tension” problem that it just choked me up. “What are we going to do, Coach?” I asked.
    Coach smiled again, and it was such a friendly, encouraging smile, that I couldn’t help but take heart. “Well, Rufus,” he said, “we’re just going to have to explore the problem, find out just what causes this sexual tension to flare up, and then work it through. Now take off the rest of your clothes.”
    Coach’s way was so friendly and helpful that I could feel my embarrassment just sort of slide off and sink into the ground. In fact, I was kind of liking this. I didn’t even think my face was red anymore. I pulled my shirt off, kicked off my shoes, and stepped out of my jeans. When I turned back to Coach, I saw him pulling off his pants too. That kind of got me confused again. “What gives, Coach?” I asked.
    Coach tossed his pants aside and started unbuttoning his shirt. “Well, Rufus, some things can best be taught by comparison. Each man’s body responds to sexual tension in a different way. And that’s what I’m trying to show you. Normally, I’d just have one of the other boys come in to demonstrate, but since they’ve all gone home, I guess it’ll have to be me.”
    Well, I’d never seen Coach’s body before. In fact, I’d never seen the body of any man except the other guys on the wrestling team, and I have to confess that I was finding this all mighty interesting. Like I said earlier, Coach was shorter than me, but he was just as broad in the shoulders. I never realized before what a good body he had, how big his muscles were. His chest was covered with black, curly hair that trailed down his belly and then got all bushy again right above his dick. And his dick was just as stiff as mine now, just sticking straight out for the whole world to see. I’d never seen another man’s boner before, and I looked at Coach’s with some powerful curiosity. It wasn’t pink, like mine, but dark, with a big ol’ head. And his balls hung down real low, one lower than the other, where mine are a lot tighter.
    Coach saw me staring down at his dick and he smiled kind of regretful-like. “I’m afraid it’s not as big as yours, Rufus.”
    I just said the first thing that came to mind. “It’s beautiful, Coach. It’s just the right size for you.” And then I got a little scared for making such a personal remark to Coach.
    But he just smiled. “You’re a good boy, Rufus,” he said. His face got serious again. “But we got to explore this problem of yours some more. Now let’s just see what causes this sexual tension of yours to flare up.” He reached up and squeezed my nipples, gently at first, and then harder. “What does that do for you, Rufus?” he asked.
    Well, I couldn’t begin to describe the feeling to him. “It feels real good, Coach,” I finally sighed. “In fact, if you want to squeeze harder, that’s all right by me.”
    Coach squeezed harder. “Like this?” he asked.
    â€œOh, yeah,” I groaned. Then, realizing that wasn’t really a respectful way to talk to

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