before Von exited the house. Chey had to admit that even though it housed newly released inmates, it looked nothing like you would expect. The seven-bedroom house was beautiful. The lawn was always taken care of along with the flower bed at the foot of the porch, and the inside was just as nice. The Chief of Police was a wonderful woman of God who also attended church with Chey. It was her idea to make sure that when the women were released, they were released to a place where they would feel free and not still feel like they were caged animals.
Chief Warren made it clear that foolishness was not allowed, and if they got out of line they would be sent back. Often times when a prisoner went into one of those houses and the conditions of it still made it feel like they were behind bars, nothing would stop them from acting out. That’s all they knew how to do. So this house that she affectionately named ‘My Sister’s Keeper’ was available to help them to once again become a positive rehabilitated citizen. There were parenting classes for the ones who had lost their children in some way by going to jail, workshops for job searches, and tutoring for the ones that were determined to go back to school and may have needed some help. All in all, this was a blessing.
“Hey Ms. Broadus,” she said, getting into the passenger seat.
“What I tell you about that?”
“I’m sorry. It’s such a habit now,” Von laughed. They made small talk as they pulled out of the driveway of the house. Chey made a left when she to the corner, and headed to the nearest gas station.
“You want anything out of here?” Von asked Chey.
“No thank you. My stomach is a ball of nerves and anything that goes down right now is sure to come back up.” The was Chey was feeling about this performance had her nerves shot, and it felt like there were a million and one bats in her stomach instead of butterflies.
As Chey held on to the pump, a beautiful Benz pulled up on the other side of her. She didn’t know too much about cars, but she could spot her dream car anywhere when she saw it. That was the one thing that she had always told herself she would get as a gift to herself before she left this world. Considering she had other priorities, that had to go on the backburner for now. She wasn’t quite far enough in her career like she wanted to be to make that kind of purchase, but best believe with God on her side, she would one day.
Cheynese watched as the driver got out of the car, and immediately the smile on her face was so wide it caused her cheeks to hurt.
“Hey Qy,” she said not wanting to seem too thirsty. The way he carried himself and the way the wind blew the scent of his cologne in her direction, had Chey in a daze.
“What’s up beautiful?”
“Nothing. About to head over to your event. I was supposed to be going for moral support but somehow got bamboozled into performing.”
“Oh word?” he said sounding excited but not too much. When Qyree was coming down the street, he noticed Cheynese standing next to her car. He didn’t need gas, but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity of being in her presence once again. He decided that when he got out he would act like he didn’t see her, because he didn’t want to seem too pressed about her.
His father had always taught him that there would never be a woman on the face of the earth that could give a man everything he needed to receive. That was why he should find more than one woman to satisfy those needs. The only thing they all had in common was that heavenly prize they held below the waist. Once upon a time, Jaxon thought that Zaria was going to be his all in all, but that quickly changed and so did his mindset about her.
“Yea, Von thought it would be a good idea to do it for fun. I didn’t want to, but I finally gave in,” she said shrugging her shoulders.
“And, she is about to sing them under too,” Von said walking up behind them smiling.
“How you doing,