I Rize

I Rize by S.T. Anthony Read Free Book Online

Book: I Rize by S.T. Anthony Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.T. Anthony
don’t see the humor in it.”
    She picked up the picture and drenched it in Terri’s half drunken orange juice. The cup fell to the floor, spilling the orange juice all over her pajamas and socks. All laughter quickly faded into silence amongst them.
    She turned her nose up at Terri still practically salivating from the food on the stovetop. “By the way, the food you've been eyeballing this whole time is mine. You better not touch it. I only cook for people who actually have a heart, damn it. You have two hands. Make your own.”
    Terri’s father came down into the kitchen about to leave for work. He grabbed a clean tie from the laundry room. He glanced back and forth between his daughter and wife. “Is everything okay?” The concern in his voice was ignored by everyone.
    “Terri, after you finish eating, clean up the orange juice. I better not see a damn picture anywhere on your computer when I get home from work. ” When her husband went in to give her a goodbye kiss, she turned her head in the opposite direction. She grabbed the picture of Adny drenched in orange juice and shoved it into his hands. “When you get home from work, talk to your daughter. I don’t have the time or patience.”
    F or the most part, school continued for a lot of people as if Adny had never left. But for Gracie, Junior could tell it was a nightmare without her. The few times they interacted made it so Gracie was less of a doormat that they could kick, spit on, and tear up as they wished. Adny was the only one at school who treated her like an actual human being—one with heart, one with feelings.
    Not many people knew Gracie at Valley High School. She was shy and quiet and always kept her hair in a long braid going past her shoulders. Her mouth was fixed in a permanent frown and no one ever saw her eyes because she kept them pointed down when she walked. Food became her comfort against the constant name-calling.
    But here she sat with him as they reminisced about a person they both missed very much.
    “Junior, I didn’t know her well enough, like you, but she had such a positive impact on my life. She was the first person, other than my parents, who heard me sing.”
    “Yeah, you’re lucky to have a friend like her. Have you talked to Mickey lately?”
    “Nah, I haven’t. He has some things he needs to work out on his own first.”
    As they both got up to throw their leftover food in the trash, they saw Madison eating with her group of cheerleaders. One of the cheerleaders chimed in and said, “You should be happy your little friend is gone, because you’re next in line, Chubbs.”
    Junior pulled Gracie to the side. “You remember what I told you before? You have to stay strong. Karma is going to bite them in the ass when Adny comes back, don’t worry.”
    “I’m just not strong like you, Junior.” She ran out of the cafeteria in tears.
    Everyone laughed, yelling, “Bye Chubbs,” in unison.
    When the laughter quieted, Madison asked, “What happened to your boy toy, weirdo? I guess the fat hog, Chubbs, is your new toy to play with.”
    While Junior searched around his pockets, Madison rolled her eyes and asked, “What are you looking for, weirdo?”
    Junior looked up, chuckling to himself. “Madison, I looked hard. Too bad I couldn’t find two fucks to give.”
    Madison drew her arms down by her side. She turned back toward the other cheerleaders, while gathering her things. “Bitches, what are you waiting on? Let’s go.” She brushed against his shoulder, shoving him on purpose and whispered, “Watch me blow up in your face. You’ll be the one looking stupid.”
    Madison’s words never held any meaning from his point of view. Fingers drumming in the air, he left the cafeteria humming his and Adny’s favorite fabricated tune in his mind. The circus of fools is back in town. They’re back in town, back in town .
    J unior arrived at the police station with Adny’s laptop ready in his

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