It's All in Your Mind

It's All in Your Mind by Ann Herrick Read Free Book Online

Book: It's All in Your Mind by Ann Herrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Herrick
was thrilled when there was no mention of Papa needing me to work with him. The entire day stretched out before me, and I could imagine Nolan calling to whisk me away on another adventure. Because that, I decided, was what going to the fair with him had been. Life with him would be one long adventure. Not that we'd committed to a life together.  Of course not. But I could dream, couldn't I?
    "Vija. I said, 'Would you please pass the tea?'" Papa said.
    "Hmm? Oh, sure." I passed the warm sweetened caraway tea that we used to pour over a ripe rye bread cut into small pieces coated with honey and pressed red currants. Maybe Nolan and I could go to the beach or the state park or—
    The phone rang. Oh, no! It was so early, it had to be one of Dad's customers wanting some extra work done. If only I could make myself disappear!
    Mom answered the phone by the second ring. "Of course," she said. "Just a moment." She put her hand over the mouthpiece. "Vija. It's for you."
    For me? Holy moly! It must be Nolan. I tried to look oh-so-casual as I stood and walked over to the phone. Mama handed me the receiver. I turned and pretended to look out the back door at a squirrel, so Mama and Papa would not see the slow secret smile spreading across my face. I took a deep breath and quietly let it out. "Hello."
    "Vija, I'm sorry to call you so early. But my assistant is sick, so I have to be at the store by nine o'clock.  I need to you to babysit this morning."
    My heart plummeted. It was Mrs. Kukk. She had three boys, ages four, six, and eight, and they all had energy to spare. But I could not turn her down. For one thing, she was good friends with my folks, and a widow, and therefore it was practically an obligation to help her by babysitting. For another thing, she owned the store where I bought my ceramic horses, and she was nice to me, allowing me to buy on layaway, no matter how long I took to pay. "What time?"
    "Eight-thirty. That'll give me time to be ready to open by nine."
    "I'll be there," I said, trying to sound a lot more eager than I felt. I hung up the phone and said, "I'll be babysitting for Mrs. Kukk. I have to be there at eight-thirty."
    "Mrs. Kukk is such a lovely woman," Mama said. "And her boys are so sweet."
    "Um. Yes." I could agree about Mrs. Kukk, but Mama had never had to babysit those three breathing tornadoes. Maybe I would take them to the park and let them burn off some of their energy there.
    As soon as I finished breakfast, I hurried upstairs and dressed in my most rugged shorts and sneakers, so I could keep up with the Kukk kids. I wove my hair into a single braid, then slid on a touch of Baby Pink lipstick to remind myself that even though I'd be draped in three ruffian boys all day, I was still female.
    I had my hand on my bedroom doorknob, when the phone rang. Maybe it was Mrs. Kukk, to tell me that her assistant could work after all and she didn't need me! I jumped across the bed and answered the phone in the middle of the second ring. "Hello!"
    "Hi, Vija." That smooth, low voice was not Mrs. Kukk. It was Nolan.
    "H-h-hello." No-o-o-o! I already said that!
    "Hey, I thought we could hang out at Hammonassett Beach today."
    For one brief ecstatic moment, I was in orbit. Hang out at the beach with Nolan! What bliss! Then my memory was restored, and I realized I couldn't. I was royally shafted! "Oh, Nolan. I'd lo-o-ove to go to the beach with you." I strung out the word love , so he'd realize how much I really wanted to go. Playing hard to get was just not in my system. "But I have to babysit."
    "Can't you get out of it?"
    Get out of it? Could I get out of it? No, not if I wanted to keep a roof over my head. "I wish I could. But I can't."
    Silence drifted through the receiver. I felt I had to fill the void. "It's for Mrs. Kukk, a friend of my folks, and I said I'd do it, and, well, I just have to." Hoping for a bit of sympathy, I added, "I'll be spending the day chasing three brats around the playground at the park

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