Just a Kiss

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Book: Just a Kiss by Ally Broadfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ally Broadfield
hothouse flowers blanketed the parlor. There were at least ten bouquets of flowers set about as well as several cards sitting on a tray near the window.
    Horace scowled at her and then at the small stack of calling cards. “It seems you were quite popular at the ball last night.”
    Charlotte sank into the nearest chair, too shocked to respond to Horace’s taunt. Sebastian’s plan had definitely worked, and they hadn’t really begun yet. If only Horace and Elizabeth would disappear, she could read through the cards and find out who had called. Since that was unlikely, she focused on her plan to make them think she was cooperating.
    “You’ve had many callers this afternoon. It’s too bad you didn’t return home promptly as I advised. I had to send them all away, and there’s no telling whether they’ll bother to call again.” Elizabeth smoothed her skirt.
    Charlotte produced a fake smile for Elizabeth. “My apologies. The children were having so much fun in the park I hated to make them return.” Almost as much as she hated spending time near Horace. She turned to her suitor. “My apologies for your long wait. It was kind of you to stay.”
    Elizabeth and Horace exchanged a glance, and Charlotte busied herself with an invisible piece of lint on her skirt so they wouldn’t see her expression. There was still the hint of bruising around his eye where she had struck him. She debated whether to apologize, but surely Elizabeth would recognize she was up to something if she took things that far. Besides which, she wasn’t sure she could live with herself if she did. He was a nasty, unpleasant person and no one should have to put up with him, least of all her.
    “Princess Tarasova came by as well, though I can’t imagine why she would want to call on you. I asked her forgiveness for your absence and assured her you would be at home tomorrow.” Elizabeth’s lips pinched in disapproval.
    A lump formed in her throat. “Thank you,” she forced out. The princess was the only one she had wanted to see.
    Horace checked the clock on the mantle and widened his eyes at Elizabeth.
    Elizabeth stood. “I must go consult with Cook about the dinner she is preparing for our guests this evening. Please excuse me.”
    Charlotte clenched her jaw to keep her mouth from dropping open. It was highly improper of Elizabeth to leave her alone with Horace. Twice. The only conclusion she could draw was that they actually were trying to compromise her so she would have to marry him. She walked over to one of the vases and fiddled with the flowers while she waited for him to engage.
    He stood and touched his fingertips together. “Charlotte, I am concerned for your well-being. You are an innocent, naive girl and have no defenses against the rakes who populate the ton .”
    Charlotte nearly burst out laughing. “I thank you for your concern, but I am confident that Richard and Elizabeth are qualified to guide me.”
    He took her hand, and it required all of her willpower not to cringe at his clammy touch. “There is no need to continue to burden them with your guardianship. I am prepared to marry you now.”
    Apparently he thought that sufficed as a proposal. “I hadn’t realized I was such a burden. Still, I prefer to consider all of my options before making a decision. After all, spending the rest of your life with someone is not a decision to be taken lightly.”
    His eyes narrowed to serpentine proportions. “I am family, Charlotte. Stop this game now, while I am still willing to take you.” He waved toward the flowers. “Do you honestly think that any of these men will want you once they discover your circumstances?”
    Instead of waiting for her to reply, his palm covered her breast. Revulsion engulfed her. When he leaned in as if to kiss her, she smashed her forehead against his nose, heedless of any damage to herself. To hell with feigning cooperation.
    Horace growled and clutched at his face, blood streaming from between

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