Just a Kiss

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Book: Just a Kiss by Ally Broadfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ally Broadfield
his fingers.
    She brushed her fingers over the tender spot on her forehead and ground out, “Do not touch me again,” pausing between each word for emphasis.
    Their eyes met, his clouded by malice. “Don’t think I will forget this once we are married.”
    She bolted from the parlor and took the stairs two at a time, needing to get as far from him as possible, no longer caring what Richard or Elizabeth thought. She would not marry Horace. Especially not when there was a chance she might receive another offer to save her from a lifetime of misery.

Chapter Five
    After her encounter with Horace, Charlotte slept fitfully, waking only when a knock on the door roused her. The chamber was overly bright, the sun having crested in the sky, and she squinted.
    “Who is it?” she called. After everything that had happened, she wouldn’t be surprised to find Horace on the other side of her door, and that certainly wouldn’t do.
    “I have a missive for you, Miss Charlotte,” said Mary.
    “Do come in.” Charlotte arranged herself in bed as Mary entered, and when the maid gave her the note, she smiled. “Is Elizabeth about?”
    Mary shook her head and went to adjust the curtains. “No, Miss Charlotte. She’s taken Miss Amelia to purchase new gloves.”
    Good. Charlotte had a bit of a respite from the barrage of questions and accusations she imagined Elizabeth had prepared.
    She broke the seal and read the note from Princess Tarasova asking for permission to call on her before normal visiting hours. Once she’d jotted down a quick reply and instructed Mary to have it delivered at once, she readied herself quickly and went down to the parlor to await the princess’s arrival.
    Charlotte paced the perimeter of the floor, rushing to the window each time the clatter of hooves or rattle of carriage wheels passed by. It seemed wise to conclude her visit with the princess before Elizabeth returned from shopping. There was no telling how Elizabeth would behave in front of the princess after Charlotte’s confrontation with Horace.
    Her mind swirled with indecision. Sebastian. Her heart made a happy little leap just thinking about him. He had already delivered on his promise to draw attention to her, so she owed him information about Princess Tarasova. Surely it wouldn’t be a betrayal of her trust if Charlotte simply told him about her family, her favorite flowers, perhaps a favorite food. The sort of things he could find out easily enough on his own. She rubbed the back of her neck. Although Charlotte knew Sebastian had set his sights elsewhere, part of her rebelled at helping him pursue someone else.
    The front door creaked, and the soft lilt of feminine voices wove amidst Adams’s deep tones. She fumbled around for her embroidery and dropped into a red and gold silk armchair that faced the door. She had already instructed Adams to show Princess Tarasova to the parlor without announcing her since Charlotte would not exercise the option of turning her away.
    Adams showed the princess and her aunt, the Duchess of Chadwick, into the parlor.
    Charlotte set aside her embroidery and stood to greet them.
    Princess Tarasova acknowledged Charlotte with a welcoming smile. “Miss Lightwood, I was sorry to have missed you yesterday, but I am delighted you are available today.”
    “I must apologize. I had every intention of being home for callers yesterday, but I took my nephews to the park and lost track of time.” Charlotte held her hand out to the duchess. “Your Grace, how kind of you to call.”
    “Not at all.” The older woman motioned to a chaise lounge in the back near the game table. “If you don’t mind, I’ve brought a book to read. I’ll absent myself in the corner and allow you girls to talk.”
    Charlotte waited for Princess Tarasova to select a seat near the door and sat across from her.
    “How nice to have family to spend time with,” the princess said as she watched her aunt settle in and open her book. “I’m

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