Just Kidding

Just Kidding by Annie Bryant Read Free Book Online

Book: Just Kidding by Annie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Bryant
Dillon Johnson leaned over to Maeve and commented, “This sure beats that Beethoven guy.” Maeve burst into giggles.
    As Ms. Ciara flicked on the lights, she said, “Now I have an extra special surprise for you.” She walked over to the door, peeked out, and gave a wave to someone in the hall. “Students, I’d like to introduce Michael Young and Sarah Finnegan from Brookline High’s award-winning high school dance club. They’re going to demonstrate the music of Birdland.” Ms. Ciara held open the door and two older students entered.
    The class turned to look at the dancers. Both of them looked like real professionals, dressed in 1940s-style danceoutfits. Michael wore a pair of black trousers and a long-sleeved silk shirt. Sarah wore a bright red knee-length flared skirt, ankle-strapped high-heeled shoes, and a ruffled blouse. Maeve nearly fell out of her seat. She hoped that she could one day be on this dance team. The group was incredible, and Michael and Sarah were two of the best dancers on the team. She had to contain herself from rushing to the front of the room to join them.
    â€œAll right, class. Clear a space so our guests have enough room to dance,” Ms. Ciara said.
    The students jumped up and pushed their desks into a semicircle, creating a makeshift dance floor. Then Ms. Ciara moved to her stereo and spoke to the dancers. “Michael and Sarah, are you ready?” When they nodded, she pushed the button and the most amazing, toe-tapping music began to pour out. “This is Count Basie and his swing orchestra. Watch and listen.” She presented the dancers with a dramatic swoosh of her hand. As bad as she felt, even Charlotte was a little excited.
    After just a few bars, Michael and Sarah were dancing. No, not dancing—flying! They were spinning and swirling, first close to the ground and then stretching as high as they could. They danced close together, facing each other, and then far away, backs to each other, kicking and leaping and doing the most amazing moves.
    Maeve sat entranced, her eyes wide. She was almost shaking. This was the most exciting dancing she’d ever seen…even better than hip hop, which was one of her favorites. Even the great Gene Kelly had never done anything this thrilling in any of his movies! Michael pickedSarah right up off the ground, and then she was spinning in his arms, her own arms extended to the ceiling, her head thrown back, legs high in the air. Michael dipped her, and Sarah’s long blond hair was almost touching the ground. Unbelievable ! Maeve thought. I wonder what it feels like to be able to dance like that !
    Katani was hypnotized too, not by the dancers’ moves, but by their clothes. Those shoes are vintage, but totally back in style , she thought. They are too cool…. I need to find out where she got them! Are those PURPLE rhinestones sewn on the ankle straps? And who cut that blouse so Sarah could stretch in all different directions without pulling out the pleats?
    Riley had also been staring unblinkingly at the dance exhibition. Suddenly, he started to tap rhythmically on his desk. Then he jumped up. There was a drum set in the far corner of the room, and as the music pulsed cheerily, Riley began to lightly tap out the rhythms of the orchestra on the drums.
    Maeve thought Riley’s drumming made the whole thing even cooler, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Michael and Sarah until the music finally ended and they stood together to take a bow. That’s it , Maeve thought. I just have to learn how to dance like that . She looked around at the rest of the class. They were clapping enthusiastically for the dancers.
    And then Maeve’s blue eyes began to glow. I’ve got it! The most fabulous idea for the Spirit Week dance! A jillion little shivers ran up her back.
    When the applause had ended, Ms. Ciara called, “Who’d like to come up and learn a few of the steps?Michael and

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