KnightsOfPleasure SKelly_Nook

KnightsOfPleasure SKelly_Nook by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online

Book: KnightsOfPleasure SKelly_Nook by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Kelly
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Erotic Romance
down to the basics, he just liked sex. And
orgasms. Any way he could get 'em.
tonight was a little different.
it would be Susannah's mouth on him and when he saw her lick her lips, his cock
throbbed painfully.
plea, her request for them both, her obvious need…it was all fuel for the fire.
he and Tyler moved as one to satisfy that need.
helped her up toward the headboard, resting her shoulders against the pillows
he mounded there.
followed, rising to his knees and slipping them beneath her thighs. It was a
formation they'd tried before and one they both enjoyed. Tyler could fuck her
pussy with his cock and Logan would straddle her, putting himself in the right
place for her to reach him with her mouth while keeping his weight off her
heard Tyler's movements as he sheathed himself in a condom. For a moment Logan
wondered if he should do the same, but then he glanced down at Susannah. This
was a woman he knew, not a stranger. He wouldn't ever fuck anyone without
protection, but oral sex?
nothing would keep him from experiencing her lips on his sensitive flesh. A
drop of pre-cum seeped from the swollen head of his cock as his anticipation
rose higher.
you ready?" He leaned forward, grasped his erection and brushed her lips.
Her arms were trapped by his thighs, and he knew without looking behind him
that Tyler had her legs spread wide.
nodded, her face flushed a little, licking the tiny slick of moisture he'd
left, her eyelids heavy and languorous. "God, yes."
moaned and her hips rose…Tyler was beginning to penetrate her. He would do it
slowly, wringing every possible sensation out of the experience.
knew it--he'd watched the focus on his friend's face at this moment many times
before. That first entry, that first thrust into a woman's hottest and wettest
darkness--it was special, no question about it.
lips had parted and her tongue flicked out once again. She looked up at Logan
with eyes shadowed and mysterious. "I can't reach you."
hands moved fretfully where he had them pinned to her body, and he realized he'd
been watching her, drifting in the moment, almost forgetting what he was about
to do. He smiled. "Let's fix that."
his hips, Logan shifted his cock and Susannah opened her mouth eagerly. As she
put a tentative kiss on his arousal, he sighed and shivered. Then she sucked on
the swollen head and drew a groan from deep in his gut.
it was amazing.
there was more to follow, since one taste seemed to have whetted her appetite.
Susannah sucked his cock with enthusiasm and pleasure, her eyelids drifting
shut as she found her pace, her suction wavering as Tyler moved within her.
sounds of sex filled the room, slick and subtle, flesh against flesh, lips
against velvet, hot juices sliding over hard muscle.
body moved with Tyler's thrusts, her mouth moved against Logan's cock.
felt all three of them begin the slow slide down into the heated world of
desire and ecstasy. The air was rich with the scent of their bodies, the bed
whispered softly as they moved and the dance leading to release had begun.
was no stopping it now.
felt the air on his back, a breeze stirred by Tyler's steady thrusts, his
breath quicker and shallower as he plunged more deeply.
was moaning around Logan's cock, her body moving with as Tyler fucked her, her
mouth sucking on Logan as if he was her lifeline. Her hands had found his legs
and she was holding on, uniting all three of them into one writhing unit of
arms, and legs and hunger…
balls shuddered and his spine began to tingle with that strange static charge
that presaged his orgasm.
him, Tyler was making a tiny sound, not quite a grunt nor a groan but something
in between, something distinct that was a signal of his growing need to come.
that was needed was Susannah.
wrenched his attention to her face, seeing her

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