
Lilith by Ashley Jeffery Read Free Book Online

Book: Lilith by Ashley Jeffery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Jeffery
to the seat next to him and I slid over. He buckled my seat belt and handed me his Ipod. Score one for chicks everywhere, I was in control of the music!
    "My mom told me about this place in Pismo that makes homemade tortillas. It’s right on the beach and if we make it there in time we'll be able to watch the sunset."
    I scrolled through his song list trying to get my brain to start working again. Weston's kisses had never been one tenth as hot as Dean's were. I hadn't heard from him in a while either, I'd have to send him an email and see how his first se mester at Cal Poly was going.
    I looked over towards him. What had he said? He reached for my face angling his head to the side he made sure our mouths fit together perfectly. The kiss was short and sweet, I groaned in protest.
    "Ok, so, did you hea r anything I just said or not?" He said.
    I opened my eyes and stared at him blankly.
    "Not then, okay it's cool. Be careful though, any more ego stroking like that and my head won't be able to fit in the truck." His eyes were twinkling.
    We couldn’t have that, no way was I going to let him think he was that good.
    "Oh come on! I'm no t that brain-dead" I laughed.
    The drive to Pismo wasn't long, an hour at most. He had pretty good taste in music too. No hip-h op, or rap thank God. I could only abide rap if it was set to rock music and not about some dudes ho and his 40. I liked rage against, something that had a rap sound but didn’t have stupid lyrics.
    "We're here." Dean nud ged me softly with his elbow.
    He got out of the truck and motioned for me to get out his way as well. He gripped my sides and pulled me to the ground. I liked the way he made me feel. Small, feminine, and protected, sometimes, having a guy take care of me was nice. That didn't mean I wanted to bow down and kiss his feet or allow him to beat me if I back-talked. It just meant I liked it when he made me feel important.
    The waitress gave us a seat in the upstairs balcony. She stared at him blatantly, it was pretty freaking rude. I rolled my eyes when she beamed after he said thank you.
    The food was good but half way through dinner, I got a strange text message. My phone was vibrating when I flipped open the screen. It was a picture of me and Dean kissing. His black truck in the background. I hadn't seen anybody hanging around when we were out there. So how could somebody have a picture? The number said unknown caller. I tried to respond but it wouldn't go through without their number. Weird.
    "Hey look at this." I held my cell up for Dean to see. He almost ch oked when he saw the picture.
    "Where'd that come from?"
    I shook my head and looked at it again. There was a message at the bottom when I scrolled down.
    I am going to kill you for touching him .
    I gasped and Dean pulled th e phone from my limp fingers.
    "What t he---who sent this?" He asked.
    I shook my head in response and rubbed at t he chill creeping up my arms. "Do you think it was Lexie?" I said.
    "Do you?" He said.
    "Maybe, probably, but why would she still care. It's not like she'll win you by being a psycho. It just doesn't make sense."
    He nodded in agreement and I forwarded the pic to Rhiannon.
    H ey Rhi, just got a crazy text, check it out, let me know.
    I hit send and picked at the food still left on my plate.
    "You want to go home now?" Dean asked.
    I sighed but shook my head no. No way was I going to let some crazy girl ruin my date with Dean.
    "We could go watch the sunset on the beach. ..." I said.
    Dean smiled a nd motioned for our waitress. "We're going to leave, can I get the check?"
    She frowned and walked away without speaking. Dean paid the bill and we left. He went back to his truck and got a blanket. We walked together hand in hand onto the sandy beach. It was unnervingly quiet; there were no other people or couples walking through the sand. He spread out the blanket on the ground and pulled me down to sit beside him.
    "Are you upset?" He whispered the

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