Mad About the Man

Mad About the Man by Tracy Anne Warren Read Free Book Online

Book: Mad About the Man by Tracy Anne Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Anne Warren
met the other day. Instead, he’d shot off his mouth just like he had when he’d been a stupid moron kid. She hated his guts just as much as she had when they’d been in the seventh grade—and he had the black eye and bruised cheek to prove it. But he wasn’t a quitter; never had been, never would be.
    She detested him, sure, but things didn’t have to stay that way. He’d find the means to push her buttons, only in a good way this time.
    He studied her again, careful not to let any of his thoughts show. The question he’d asked her had been an honest one; he did want to know about her. Everything she’d done. Everyone she’d met. Where she planned to go in the future.
    He knew she wasn’t married; he’d ferreted out that bit of information during his phone conversation with McNeal on Sunday. He also knew she lived in a small one-bedroom apartment that was located in a safe, quiet neighborhood, and that before this past year, she’d been a lawyer for the DOJ in Washington, D.C.
    Still, he wanted to hear the details from her.
    Why she fascinated him, he didn’t entirely understand. But he was a man who’d built an empire on gut instinct, and his instincts told him not to let her slip away for a second time. At least not until he had a chance to scratch the itch she still gave him, even after all these years.
    Brie shrugged, her face unreadable. “What is there to tell? I’ve done the usual things. Gone to school, found a job, lived my life.”
    â€œSo you’re just an average young woman making her way in the big city.”
    â€œSomething like that.”
    â€œWhat about a husband? Children?” he went on, even though he knew the answer.
    â€œNo. Neither.”
    â€œBoyfriend, then? What about that Collingsworth guy? Are you and he—”
    â€œNo!” she said, sharply enough that he knew he had nothing to trouble himself over in that regard.
    â€œAnyone else? Live-in lover perhaps? Or do you prefer keeping your options open?”
    â€œWhatever I prefer doing in my private life is private, Mr. Monroe, and none of your concern. You have hired me to serve as your attorney and to represent your business interests. Anything more goes beyond the scope of our association. Assuming you really are serious about having Marshall McNeal Prescott represent you, that is.”
    He drummed his fingers against the sofa back. “And why wouldn’t I be serious?”
    â€œWell, if I am being completely candid—”
    â€œMost definitely. I insist on honesty in all our dealings.”
    She paused, studied him for an instant. “Then
, given your history, you’ve never before shown any interest in obtaining new counsel. That is in spite of numerous attempts by any number of well-respected firms over the years to acquire your business. Yet suddenly, out of the blue, you have decided that you want my firm to represent you.”
    â€œNo, what?”
    â€œI want
to represent me. Your firm doesn’t matter.”
    â€œMr. Monroe—”
    â€œMaddox,” he said, smiling. “Come on, Brie. It’s no use pretending we’re strangers, however much you might wish we were.”
    â€œBut we are strangers.” She looked him square in the eyes. “We were anything but friends as children, and we most definitely don’t know each other now as adults.”
    â€œBut all that is going to change, now that you’re my lawyer.”
    â€œAssuming I agree to be your lawyer.”
    He arched a brow. “But you already have. Or was McNeal mistaken when he told me you’ve accepted a partnership?”
    â€œHe shouldn’t have—”
    â€œOf course he should. He works for me now too. From what I understand, you’re more than qualified for the step up—highly deserving, in fact.”
    â€œI’ve been with Marshall McNeal Prescott less than a

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