He/she always stands me up at the last minute. aitsu wa itsumo dotakyan suru
He/she is so self-centered.
aitsu wa chō jikochū da
He/she is no fun at all.
aitsu wa tsumannai yatsu da
All she ever does is hang out with her boyfriend.
anoko kareshi to asonde bakka damon
He/she is totally a Benedict Arnold.
aitsu wa uragirimono da
We used to be friends, but not anymore.
mukashi wa tsurundeta kedo ima wa sappari da ne
He/she pisses me off.
aitsu wa atama ni kurun da
Oh my god, I cannot stand him/her!
maji mukatsuku aitsu
He/she really gets on my nerves.
aitsu maji uzē
We’ll never make up.
nakanaori wa mō muri da na
I never want to see them again.
mō nido to aitakunai
Getting pissed off
When something pisses you off, it’s really important to be able to express that anger, because otherwise your eyes will roll back into your head and you’ll never be able to see again.
aitsu. . .
His/her attitude…
aitsu no taido. . .
His/her face…
aitsu no kao. . .
The way he/she talks…
aitsu no shaberikata. . .
nani mo kamo. . .
omae. . .
Fat Americans…
debu na amejin. . .
…piss(es) me off.
. . .mukatsuku
…really piss(es) me off!
. . .maji mukatsukū
* The word(maji mukatsukū) sometimes gets abbreviated as “MM,” as in the following:
…bother(s) the hell out of me.
. . .ni hara ga tatsu
…get(s) my tits in a wringer.
. . .wa atama ni kuru wa
…get(s) on my nerves.
. . .ki ni kuwanē
Oh my god, his/her face pisses me off so much. chikushō aitsu no kao chō emu emu da
If Step One of anger is getting pissed off, then Step Two is snapping. The Japanese word for snapping, kireru, means exactly the same thing: the delicate thread suspending your overwrought composure has just snapped in half with an unbecoming twang.
He/she called me fat and I snapped.
aitsu ni debu tte iwarete kireta
He/she looses their shit really easily.
aitsu wa sugu kireru mon
Don’t snap at me!
kireru na yo
Another word you will hear in this context is gyaku gire, which literally means “snapping back”—like when you yell “Fuck you” out the window at a Chinese lady who just cut you off, only to have her blue-haired head come poking
out of her Oldsmobile to yell “YEAH, WELL FUCK YOU TOO, MOTHERFUCKER” in a voice that leaves the next four generations of your children in shame.
I tried snapping at my girlfriend, but she just snapped back harder.
kanojo ni kirete mitara gyakugire sarechatta
He/she gave me a dirty look.
aitsu ni gantsuke rareta
You always look pissed off in photographs.
omae shashin de wa itsumo gantsukteteirunda yo na
I just wanna haul off and deck that motherfucker.
bunnagutte yaritē
Ever since World War Two, Japan has been a peaceful country in which the word “fighting” has no meaning. Just kidding! Even though guns are illegal in Japan, a fair amount of shit gets kicked, some of it even memorably violent. My dirty mouth has gotten me black eyes and a busted jaw, plus one time I saw a couple tweakers totally brain a kid with a mountain bike. Oh yeah, and I got a knife pulled on me once in Shinjuku, but that was by a creepy Russian dude. Still, the language barrier often prevents foreigners from getting involved in some of the best bloodletting that the Eight Islands have to offer—so get yourself some good health insurance and try out the following:
You suck.
saitei da omae
Fuck off.
Leave me the fuck alone.
I hate you.
What did you just say!?!
Get out of my way.
Go to hell.
Eat shit.
Shut the fuck up.
What the fuck?
You’re worthless.
tsukaenē yatsu dana
You got a problem?
monku akka
Bring it on!
kakatte koi
Stopping a fight
kenka o tomeru
If you ever have one of those rare holiday experiences when a carload of teenage meth-heads roll up on you fully