
Mistake by Brigitta Moon Read Free Book Online

Book: Mistake by Brigitta Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brigitta Moon
is ready to be served in the dining room.
         Andrew was immediately at Beth’s side. Beth noticed he was staring blankly at her father. His eyes were glued to the black shirt with the white collar trim signifying his religious status.
        “Andrew are you okay?” Beth asked.
        “You didn’t tell me Beth.”
        “Oh my goodness Andrew, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about it. Don’t worry. My dad’s cool.”
        After everyone was seated Beth’s father bowed his head in prayer over the meal as every head at the table lowered over their plates.
        “Amen, now let’s eat,” her father said. I see we have a guest I haven’t been privy to meet.
         “Dad, you’re so busy, I didn’t get a chance to introduce you to Andrew. I met him the morning of my graduation.”
         “It’s nice to meet you young man. What are your intentions toward my daughter?” he said as he lifted his fork of string beans to his mouth.
         All breath at the table seemed to stop. The room fell eerily silent. Even Kelly looked from face to face as if to say, what just happened?
         “I, I,” Andrew caught off guard stammered.
         “Daddy, we have only known each other a short time,” Beth said with embarrassment.
         “It’s okay,” Andrew said recovering from the shock. “Beth seems like a lovely young lady. I’d like to get to know her and her family.”
         Beth’s father shook his head in delightful agreement. The dinner guests let out their breaths and relaxed.
         “I’m happy to be meeting you so soon after your meeting with my daughter.”
         “Likewise sir.”
         Beth’s mom stood. “I’m so proud of Beth. She is doing so much with her life. Becoming a nurse is such a wonderful career choice. Now we have two nurses in the family.”
         Light applause echoed around the table.
         “And let’s not forget Lil. She has been a part of this family for the past four years. So, let me amend my statement. We have three nurses in the family.”
        “Thank you Mrs. Masters. I’m happy to be a part of your family.”
        “I hate to interrupt, but Tommy won’t be able to stay long. He has to work tonight, unfortunately.” Cornflower announced.
        “Why don’t you and Kelly stay over? It would be wonderful,” Beth said.
         “Yes, what a lovely idea,” Beth’s mother agreed.
        Cornflower looked at Tommy. “Why leave early and stay home alone. Stay here over night and celebrate. I’ll pick you up in the morning,” Tommy said.
         “Alright, I’ll stay,” she said smiling widely.

    CHAPTER 10
        The celebratory dinner lingered into the night. After all the guests were loaded down with doggie bags and sent safely on their way Cornflower asked, “Beth, do you mind driving me home to pick up some things. I hadn’t planned on being out so long so I didn’t pack enough things for Kelly.”
        “Sure Cornflower. I’ll just get my purse and keys.”
        Cornflower and Beth drove along the narrow street under the moonlit sky to the freeway entrance.
        “I have always wondered how you ended up with the name Cornflower,” Beth said.
        “It seems everyone has called me that for as long as I can remember. My father said when we would visit the country to see his parents I was amazed by the corn fields. Whenever he looked for me, that’s where I would be. He said I reminded him of a flower amongst the corn. So, he started calling me his cornflower and I guess the name attached itself to me. I like it because I have never run into another person with it,” Cornflower said.
         Twenty minutes later Beth pulled into Cornflower’s driveway and turned the engine off. Cornflower went into the house and Beth turned on the music to keep her company while she waited. Five minutes later Beth saw

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