No Mercy
it was good.  In the end, the two sisters would have each other if Sara turned out to be some kind of psycho.  I didn’t think so.  She was hiding something that much was true.  But she didn’t have any weapons and didn’t have a malicious vibe to her. Wearing Flynn’s shorts and his tee, I knew she didn’t have anything with her there even.  That thought made her look even more innocent yet totally hot in that get up.
    Slipping on her abandoned Chuck Taylors by the stairs, she headed outside holding the door open for the twins while they exited. “See you two in a bit,” she said with a sly smile.  Then the door closed.
    Flynn moved to my side. “You sure do know how to pick ‘em.”
    “It looks like she’s picked us,” I said back.
    “Do you think the girls are safe with her?” he asked.
    Shrugging, I said, “I didn’t sense she meant them harm but who the hell knows.”
    He must have felt the Luca’s were safe, because he said, “Let’s get this party started then. It shouldn’t take them long to get back.”
    After lugging sound equipment and coolers down to the docks, we sat on the porch and waited.
    “Did you hear back from them?” I asked for the tenth time.
    “I told you yes.  They made a pit stop for ice and extra snacks.  They’re having a field day with my credit card.”
    That was news. I missed the exchange of Flynn giving up his card.  Taking another pull on the bottle, I was still conflicted if I was worried about the twins or whether Sara would come back.  When the black Prius pulled in, a gasp of relief escaped my mouth.  Flynn heard and looked over at me.  I took another pull on the bottle trying to play it cool, waiting for the burn to do something more.  It took quite a bit of alcohol to make me loose.
    Adriana got out carrying a couple of bags, Sara was equally if not more loaded including carrying bags of ice.  Adelina however held one bag.  Getting to my feet, Flynn and I hurried to help the two girls who were doing more than their fair share of the hauling.
    “It’s a little humid tonight,” Adelina said.
    Adriana countered saying, “Well, maybe a dip in the lake would cool us off.”  The tension between the two girls didn’t seem to exist.  Had Sara been responsible for that?
    Sara said, “I don’t have a swimsuit, so I’ll pass.”  She didn’t have on a bra and panties either, but I didn’t point that out.
    “You can borrow something of mine,” Adriana said, ever the helpful girl.  Flynn didn’t know what he had.
    My eyes felt like ping pongs flipping between the girls' conversation.  So much more was said without words and showed in peoples’ faces.  I couldn’t help but watch, especially since I was trying to size up the new girl among us.  There was a lot more to this girl and I didn’t want to find out too late.
    “Don’t be ridiculous Ana,” Adelina said to her sister. “She’s lacking up top.  Whatever you had would just fall off of her.”
    The words could be taken a number of ways and even though it was said causally, I caught the look on Adelina’s face.  She was letting me know she had more to offer body wise than the new girl.  She obviously didn’t get that a great body wasn’t everything especially if the inside package spoiled the outside.
    “I say we all go skinny dipping,” Flynn said. “That will solve everything.”
    The girls all laughed except for my viper.  Flynn was going to owe me big time.
    Thankfully, it didn’t take long once the torches were lit and the music pouring out for people to make their way to Flynn’s little cove. When the shifters showed up, things started to get heated.  Lot’s of bodies pressed together.  I opted to man the ipod trying to stay neutral.  I hadn’t been alone either. 
    A couple of cute girls had kept me company.  They flirted and I found myself flirting back.  That’s as

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