No Mercy
Hollywood, I see you and I share friends,” she said, flipping her blond hair over her shoulder. Walking around the counter and into the kitchen so we wouldn’t be seen from the above landing, I faced the girl that followed me in.
    “And what friend might that be,” I said, with a challenge.  People generalize that blonds aren’t smart.  One in my line of sight, one waiting for me to get back home, and neither of whom were dumb by any stretch of the imagination.
    Stepping over to me and pressing her tight body against mine, she snagged the bottle from my hand and took the longest drink I’d expect from a girl before setting the bottle down.  Heavy lidded, which was sexy as all fuck, she leaned in.  Her need was so thick, eyes falsely innocent, I felt powerless to stop her.  Who was this girl?
    Her lips were soft and moist from the drink just like I imagined.  Her taste was 100-proof that was damn sure, like the whiskey she just drank.  She didn’t open her mouth wide but her tongue peeked through and touched my mouth. My hand automatically raised to draw her in with a clasp against the back of her head, but voices had me using both my hands on her shoulders instead to step her back.  When her expression changed, I turned to look at the girls who now stood at the counter on the other side.  My hands had already fallen to my sides.
    Sara was quick.  She moved to the counter to extend a hand out. “Hi, I’m Sara.”
    Adriana, who was as kind as she appeared, stuck out her hand to meet the other girls.  “Hi, I’m Adriana.  And this is my sister Adelina.”
    Green eyes came back to meet mine. “Nice,” she said, like she figured it all out. “Well, I’m no party crasher,” she announced.  “I’ll be on my way as soon as my clothes get out of the washer.”
    Adriana looked perplexed but her sister looked like she was going to blow looking at the girl more intently now. “Sara had a little accident in the woods and she got a nasty cut on her head.  There was blood and we offered her assistance,” Luke said, rounding into my line of sight. 
    “Doesn’t she live around here? Can’t she just go home?” Adelina asked.
    Rolling her eyes, Adriana said, “Don’t be a bitch, Addy?  I’m sure if she could have gone home she would have.”
    “She’s camping in the woods if that’s any of your business. And we have more than enough room,” Luke said none to friendly.
    “No, it’s not a big deal.  I just thought,” Adelina backpedaled.
    “Look, I don’t want to start any problems or break up any relationships,” Sara said.
    Adriana jumped in.  “It’s really no problem.  And we aren’t their girlfriends as much as I wouldn’t mind that.  We’re just here for the weekend and then we head back home.  If you had a nasty spill by falling or something, it’s probably better that you are around people and not alone in case you have a concussion.”
    Sara looked at the girl then seemed to decide. “You are a genuinely nice person aren’t you,” she said.
    Adriana blushed. “It’s like the saying goes.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
    Then the bitch bared her claws. “Ana,” Adelina said to her sister.  “Not his girlfriend. Are you serious?” she declared, with hands on her hips.
    The other girl looked at her sister in confusion. “I’m not,” Adriana said, while clasping a hand around a necklace she was wearing.  Only then did I notice the yellow top she wore with thin straps leaving a lot of skin uncovered.  She was shifting on her feet nervously and I caught a view of the short tan shorts she wore.
    “Oh, and I suppose Flynn knows that ever since you met him there has been no one else.  I mean you gave him your virginity and even though he doesn’t commit to you, you won’t go out with anyone else hoping he’ll throw you a bone.  You just go running every time he calls

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