Of A Darker Nature

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Book: Of A Darker Nature by Michelle Clay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Clay
hurt her if she cooperates.”
    Marcus cast one last glance at Darla. He would have liked to question her further, but didn’t have the time to spare.
    The knob jiggled, and the door creaked open. Two men and a woman entered the room. The woman with vivid purple streaks in her hair spotted Marcus first and shrieked. He dropped the papers, and the woman ran back outside.
    A rather large black man pointed in Marcus’s direction. “Bloodsucker!”
    Darla darted toward them. The skinnier man made a move to withdraw a gun from his waistband.
    “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Marcus warned.  The man didn’t listen.
    Marcus vaulted over the sofa and grabbed him. The guy didn’t get a chance to bring the weapon up before Marcus twisted his head like a corkscrew. A pop-crack issued from the man’s neck.
    The black man at his side swung a fist the size of a sledgehammer. The third knuckle had a pentacle tattoo inked onto it.
    Marcus twisted away as his fist slammed into the wall. Darla orbited around them and screeched. Marcus batted her out of the way. She stumbled and banged her head against the wall.
    “Get him, Ace!” An ugly expression twisted Darla’s face. She tried to grab Marcus's arm again.
    Ace came toward Marcus again. This time, he pulled a switchblade from his back pocket. The blade appeared to be silver.
    “Fun time’s over.” Marcus grinned at him and sidestepped another grab.
    Ace swung again. The blade came nowhere near Marcus. The vampire moved too fast.
    The giant of a man circled him again. Marcus caught the hand with the blade. He forced Ace to turn it toward his own chest. The tip pierced the big man's t-shirt, and he groaned with pain. “Tell me where I can find Trent and the witch and I might let you live.”
    Ace did his best to mask the sting of the blade, but tears formed at the corners of his eyes. A droplet of red bloomed at the knife’s entry point.
    "Where is she, big guy?" Marcus taunted.
    Ace’s cell phone hummed in his back pocket. “They’ll know something’s wrong if I don’t answer.”
    Marcus grinned. “Where's the witch?”
    “Go to hell.” Ace managed to twist away. He still clutched the knife like a lifeline.
    “Tell me where to find Starr Carter.” 
    Ace diverted his gaze. The witch must have schooled her goons on how to avoid being enthralled.
    “She's probably on her way upstairs.”
    Marcus grabbed Darla and thrust her in front of his body as Ace swung again. This time the blade sank deep. The pungent tang of blood and spilled bowels filled the room, and Darla’s squeals died shortly. She gasped, hands fumbling at her opened abdomen. Blood and entrails escaped between her fingers, and her eyes widened in disbelief.
    She slumped in his arms, breath hissing out between clamped teeth. Marcus dumped her and spun away. He watched Ace bend over the girl from the doorway. A bleak expression overcame his ogre-like features.
    He hoped it would be a meaningful message if he left the hulk to explain. “See you around.”
    The woman with purple streaks in her hair stood near the stairs. She tried to mold herself to a large potted plant. “They're waiting for you at the front and in the parking lot.”
    “If you're lying…”
    “I'm not, I swear!” 
    He gripped her arm and dragged her down the stairs with him. She stumbled alongside him until they reached the lower level where he shoved her against the brick wall. She squeezed her eyes shut and brought her shoulders up to protect her neck. 
    “Look at me.” 
    “Please…” The woman's entire body quivered with terror.  A fine sheen of sweat broke out on her upper lip.
    “Look at me or I'll make an example of you.” 
    Jai Li pushed away from the wall. Black waist length hair drifted across her face. Knee high boots covered pale, slender legs that led to a barely legal mini skirt. Her modest bosom threatened to spill over the low-cut shirt she wore. “Did you bring us a snack?”
    His captive

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