Old Ghosts: Gypsy Riders MC

Old Ghosts: Gypsy Riders MC by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online

Book: Old Ghosts: Gypsy Riders MC by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
Completely naked.”
    “For fuck’s sake.” I couldn’t believe this bitch.
    “And then,” she whispered, leaning in close, “I want you to kiss me.” Her perfume permeating my senses as she ran a perfectly manicured finger over my lips. “And then, I want you to taste me.”
    “No fucking way!” I exclaimed, standing up and pushing her away from me.
    She closed the distance between us quickly, as I tried to back away. My back pressed against the closed door as she trapped me against it, pressing her body against me and rubbing her hand along the edge of my cut.
    “You can wear this, though. Only this.”
    “Fuck off, Kelly.”
    “Oh, Mike, there you go again, being mean. Look, think of this as a business transaction, only I’ve raised the price a little. Instead of just fucking me, now you have to please me, too. I promise,” she said, looking up at me flirtatiously, “I taste like candy.”
    “Kelly, there is absolutely nothing sweet about you.”
    She laughed, pressing her tits against my leather.
    “Well, Mike, here’s the deal. You don’t have to like me…you just have to lick me.”
    She walked away from me, and lifted her skirt, revealing her naked pussy. She perched her ass on the edge of her desk, and spread her legs.
    Fuck, I thought. The last fucking thing I wanted to do was go down on this bitch. My mind reeled as I thought of what I had to do. But one look into her evil eyes told me she meant business, and there was no way out of this.
    “Fuck. Fine, whatever.” I took a few steps towards her, placed my hands on her open thighs, spreading them open before I began to lean down towards her waiting pussy.
    “Nope!” she said above me, pushing me away.
    “What the fuck!” I said.
    “I said clothes off, remember?” she said with an evil smile. “The door’s locked, don’t worry.”
    “You are one tough bitch, Detective,” I said, as I leaned down to remove my boots.
    “Yeah, I know,” she said, winking at me. “Isn’t it great? Don’t forget to put your cut back on.”
    I groaned, my stomach filled with dread, my cock betraying me once again, just as it always did, throbbing and hardening in my jeans before I could even get them off.
    I did everything she told me to, and I hated every second of it.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

    “I knew my dad would be late again!” Rosie said, as she sat in the kitchen of my apartment.
    “It’s just a few minutes, I’m sure he’ll be along any time now,” I reassured her. “Would you like another cookie?”
    “I would love another cookie!”
    I laughed as she grabbed the entire box from across the table and buried her hand in it.
    “Okay, but don’t over do it, I don’t want your dad to get mad at me,” I said, wondering how often a man like Mike Montgomery actually got angry.
    He didn’t seem like that type of guy, despite the way he looked. His calm demeanor was sure and steady, but I figured I probably didn’t know him very well. Hell, I had only been in his presence less than ten minutes total, the last thing I needed to be doing was trying to psychoanalyze the man.
    Once again, that serene smile spread across Rosie’s face as soon as we heard the roar of her father’s bike outside. The vibrations of my windows stopped as he turned the bike off, and they were quickly followed by hurried footsteps up the stairs, and a loud, urgent knock.
    I opened the door, bracing myself for the onslaught of insane handsomeness that was about to be flung at me.
    It didn’t help a bit. When my eyes landed on him - leaning against my threshold, his black hair tangled by the wind and hanging disheveled around his strong jaw, his piercing brown eyes once again holding mine like glue, and that slow, lazy smile spreading across his face - I couldn’t have controlled my racing pulse if I tried.
    He waited a beat, stealing a quick moment to gaze at me, before he began speaking.
    “Hey,” he said, that flirtatious smile stabbing me right in the

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