Out Through the in Door

Out Through the in Door by Ed Hilow Read Free Book Online

Book: Out Through the in Door by Ed Hilow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ed Hilow
              “I thought you would be uncomfortable.”
              Aaron shook his head. “Over advertisements?” He went into the house to check on dinner.
              The adrenaline pumped through him. There was a time when it bothered Tennison – when the guilt was not so easily pushed aside. But it paled to the power of the danger and excitement.
              After dinner they went for a walk along the lake. It was late spring and all the ducks were venturing about with ducklings in tow. They sat on a bench by the lake. Aaron pulled some bread from his pocket.
              “From what I saw in the box,” Aaron said, “you've been collecting the ads since you were just a boy.” He  tossed bits of bread.
              The rush rose in Tennison. “I guess I never got around to throwing any away.”
              “Why do you have them?”
              “For work. You know I collect them..”
              “So you knew you were going to go into advertising at an early age?”
              “What exactly is your point?” Whenever Aaron had been suspicious, Tennison was able to artfully dodge his questions or turn them back on him. Finding the box had tipped the scales slightly in Aaron's favor. Tennison was once again walking the tightrope between being accused and being excused and it was titillating.
              When I was younger I was drawn to them. It wasn't like I could walk into a store and buy Playgirl. ”
              “I can understand that when you were a boy but why do you still collect them?”
              “They're for work. Like I said I didn't think you would be comfortable with me having them.”
              “I'm not sure I believe you.”
              “Aaron what do you want me to say? I have pictures of men in a  box. They're not even dirty ones. Since when is that a crime?”
              “I never said it was. I'm asking why you have them. They're not for work or else they wouldn't be hidden. I've never gone into your work files so I would have never seen them. They were deliberately hidden. Do you jerk off to them?”
              “Sometimes.” The game was shifting and Tennison was losing ground.
              “Does having these men in a box make you feel in control?”
              Tennison's heart raced as he fought to contain himself.. “No.”
              “Then why do you have them?” Aaron's tone was firm. His eyes were locked on Tennison.
              This was it, thought Tennison. Time to reel him and go home. “You and I haven't been the same since your surgery. I love you as much as I ever have but you have to admit our sex life is all but nonexistent. The pictures give me an outlet.” Tennison turned away feigning embarrassment.
    “When I was younger,” Aaron said, “I had a crush on the Hardy Boys. I hid a poster under my mattress. My mother thought I had allergies because of all the tissues I used. I'd stare at that poster way to much fantasizing about a three-way that was never going to happen”
              Tennison turned and looked at Aaron.
              “The physical stuff was tangible,” Aaron continued. “ It was easy to understand. It was the emotions that were confusing. It was easy to mistake lust for love.”
              Tennison felt the thrill drain out of him. This was not like other confrontations. There was no anger or fury – nothing to stoke a fire. “I can throw them away if that will make you happy.”
              “I think the truth is that you're still that little boy. Pictures don't require any intimacy, any kind of exchange, any

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